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Alabama Severe Storms, Straight-line Winds, and Tornadoes


Giai đoạn Xảy ra Biến cố: Th3 3, 2019

Ngày Công bố: Th3 5, 2019

Các Nguồn Trợ giúp Địa phương

Tin tức & Truyền thông Địa phương

Truy cập trang Tin tức & Truyền thông để biết về các sự kiện, trang thông tin, thông cáo báo chí và các nguồn thông tin truyền thông khác.

Local Resources Custom Text

The State/FEMA disaster recovery centers (DRCs) in Lee County will closed permanently on Saturday Mar. 30, 2019. For more info read our: Disaster Recovery Centers to Close, But Help Remains News Release.

Applying for Assistance

Homeowners and renters in Lee County may now apply for disaster assistance for uninsured and underinsured damage and losses resulting from the March 3 severe storms, straight line winds and tornadoes.

If you cannot return to your home, or you are unable to live in your home, visit, or call 800-621-3362 (800-462-7585 TTY) to determine what federal, state, local or voluntary agency assistance may be available to you.

You will need the following to apply for assistance:

  • Social Security Number;
  • Daytime telephone number;
  • Current mailing address and zip code of the damaged property; and
  • Insurance information, if available.

Public Notice

Click Here to view the March 29, 2019 Public Notice

News Releases

One month to register as federal assistance tops $2 million

How to Appeal a FEMA Determination Letter

Replacing Lost or Damaged Documents in Alabama

Disaster Recovery Centers to Close, But Help Remains

Free Advice on Rebuilding Coming to Phenix City, Home & Garden Show

Stay in Touch with FEMA

Click to view more related News Releases

Build Back Stronger Events

County Location Dates Hours
Lee County

Home Depot
2190 Tigertown Pkwy
Opelika, AL, 36801

Until April 18 8a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Seven days a week
Russell County Home Depot
3784 U.S. Highway 431 North
Phenix City, AL 36867
Until April 18 8a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Seven days a week

For more information: Free Rebuilding and Repair Advice Available in Lee County

Debris Removal

Debris Removal Guidelines. In efforts to expedite the debris removal process, please follow these rules. Debris should be placed curbside (within 10 feet from the street; no pickup will occur of debris immediately in front of homes or on lawns). Debris should not block roadway. Placing debris near or on tress, poles or other structures makes removal difficult. This includes fire hydrants and meters. Debris separation: Please separate debris into the six categories, shown below: Electronics: television, computer, stereo, phone, DVD player. Large appliances: refrigerator, washer/dryer, air conditioner, stove, water heater, dishwasher. (Do not leave doors unsealed or unsecured.)Hazardous waste: oil, battery, pesticide, paint, cleaning supplies, compressed gas. Vegetative debris: tree branches, leaves, logs, plants. Construction debris: building materials, drywall, lumber, carpet, furniture, plumbing. Household garbage: bagged garbage, discarded food, paper, packaging. Published with permission of the Tuscaloosa News.

How to Help

  • When disaster strikes, every little bit helps. To make the most of your contributions, please follow our guidelines to learn the most effective and safest ways to donate cash, goods, or time following a disaster.  How to help after a disaster. The best way to help is with cash donations to trusted organizations. · Cash is efficient, flexible to use, and requires no packaging or transport. · Trusted organizations will ensure your money goes to help those in need. FEMA does not transport donations, please work with a trusted organization.
  • Cash is best. Financial contributions to recognized disaster relief organizations are the fastest, most flexible, and most effective method of donating. Organizations on the ground know what items and quantities are needed, often buy in bulk with discounts and, if possible, purchase through area businesses which supports economic recovery.
  • Confirm donations needed. Critical needs change rapidly – confirm needed items BEFORE collecting; pack and label carefully; confirm delivery locations; arrange transportation. Unsolicited goods NOT needed burden local organizations’ ability to meet survivors’ confirmed needs, drawing away valuable volunteer labor, transportation, and warehouse space.
  • Connect to volunteer. Trusted organizations operating in the affected area know where volunteers are needed, and can ensure appropriate volunteer safety, training, and housing.

Các Cam kết Tài trợ

Hỗ trợ Cá nhân Số tiền
Tổng Hỗ trợ Nhà ở (HA) - Số tiền được Duyệt $1,029,356.42
Tổng Hỗ trợ Nhu cầu Khác (ONA) - Số tiền được Chấp thuận $268,003.36
Tổng Số Tiền Được Duyệt cho Chương trình Hỗ trợ Cá nhân & Hộ Gia đình $1,297,359.78
Số Đơn xin Hỗ trợ Cá nhân đã Duyệt 136
Hỗ trợ Công cộng Số tiền
Emergency Work (Categories A-B) - Dollars Obligated $3,138,999.08
Tổng Số Tiền Trợ cấp Công cộng đã Cam kết $3,689,283.38
Hỗ trợ Giảm thiểu Nguy cơ Số tiền
Chương trình Trợ cấp Giảm thiểu Nguy cơ (HMGP) - Số tiền Đã Cam kết $562,426.53

Danh Sách Disaster Recovery Center (DRC)

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