Overview This fact sheet identifies child care services that are eligible for reimbursement under the Category B, Emergency Protective Measures provision of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Public Assistance Program. FEMA will reimburse eligible applicants' reasonable costs associated with the provision of child care services during federally declared major disasters and emergencies. See Sections 403(a)(3) and 502 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §§5121-5207 (Stafford Act) and implementing regulations 44 CFR Part 206. Public Assistance Eligibility * Eligible applicants. State, local, and tribal governments and private nonprofit (PNP) organizations which provide child care services (44 CFR §206.221 Definitions, and 206.222 Applicant eligibility). State, local, and tribal governments may provide child care services directly, or may contract (including through mutual aid agreements and memoranda of understanding) with other child care service providers for such services. * Emergency Sheltering. If a State, local, or tribal government provides child care services to families that are in congregate shelters, the cost to provide child care services is considered part of the sheltering operation and the cost for both the facility and its operation are eligible. FEMA may also reimburse a State and local government the cost to establish and operate standalone child care centers as emergency shelters. The State may use its own resources or contract with other providers for the emergency sheltering operations. Reimbursement for the costs of providing child care services will terminate when Section 403 emergency sheltering operations end. * Eligible Sheltering Costs. If required as a result of an emergency or major disaster, eligible child care sheltering costs may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Labor Costs. If the regular employees of an eligible applicant perform duties in direct support of child care operations, any overtime pay related to such duties is eligible for reimbursement. However, the straight-time pay of these employees is not eligible. Regular-time and overtime for contract labor, including mutual aid agreements, specifically hired to provide additional support required as a result of the disaster or emergency are also eligible for reimbursement. (See FEMA Recovery Policy RP9525.7, Labor Costs - Emergency Work, for information related to eligible labor costs while performing emergency work). 2. Facility Costs. o Minor modifications to a building used for child care sheltering, if necessary to make the facility habitable and functional o Shelter safety and security o Shelter management o Cleaning and restoration 3. Supplies and Commodities. o Food and beverages o Cots/linens/blankets/pillows * Temporary Relocation Facilities. Section 403(a)(3)(D) of the Stafford Act authorizes the provision of temporary facilities for schools and other essential community services. FEMA has determined that the provision of child care services is an essential community service and will provide assistance for the lease, purchase, or construction of temporary facilities to allow the applicant to reestablish child care services it provided prior to the disaster. (See FEMA Recovery Policy RP9523.3, Provision of Temporary Relocation Facilities, for information related to eligible temporary relocation costs). * Repair, Restoration, or Replacement of Public and Private Nonprofit Facilities. Section 406 of the Stafford Act authorizes funding to repair, restore, or replace damaged public and PNP facilities. Disaster Assistance Policy DAP9521.3, Private Nonprofit (PNP) Facility Eligibility classifies day care centers for children as facilities that provide essential governmental services. In order to receive reimbursement for permanent work, the PNP applicant must apply for a disaster loan from the SBA. (See FEMA Disaster Assistance Policy DAP9521.3, Private Nonprofit (PNP) Facility Eligibility). More Information More information on Public Assistance eligibility is available in the FEMA Public Assistance Guide (FEMA 322), dated June 2007; FEMA Disaster Assistance Policy DAP9523.15, Eligible Costs Related to Evacuations and Sheltering, dated April 6, 2007; FEMA Disaster Assistance Policy DAP9521.3, Private Nonprofit (PNP) Facility Eligibility, dated July 18, 2007; Recovery Policy RP9523.3, Provision of Temporary Relocation Facilities, dated July 16, 1998; and FEMA Recovery Policy RP9525.7, Labor Costs - Emergency Work, dated November 16, 2006. Elizabeth A. Zimmerman Date Assistant Administrator Recovery Directorate DISASTER ASSISTANCE FACT SHEET DAP9580.107 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FOR CHILD CARE SERVICES DISASTER ASSISTANCE FACT SHEET 9580.107 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FOR CHILD CARE SERVICES