Emergency Manager
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FEMA tiene muchas oportunidades profesionales para aquellos interesados y apasionados por comenzar y progresar en una carrera en el manejo de emergencias. La agencia necesita empleados ubicados en todo el país, desde la oficina central de FEMA en Washington D.C., las 10 oficinas regionales de FEMA en todo el país, hasta comunidades individuales con desastres declarados u otras necesidades.
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FEMA has many career opportunities for those interested and passionate about starting and furthering a career in emergency management. The agency needs employees stationed all across the nation, from FEMA headquarters in D.C., to FEMA’s 10 regional offices nationwide, to individual communities with declared disasters or other needs.
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FEMA Region 8 recently partnered with North Dakota State University to engage students in the school’s Emergency Management program by tackling a series of disaster-related problems identified by FEMA staff. Below, North Dakota State University student Kayla Niedzielski shares more about her experience participating in FEMA’s Innovative Problem-Solving course.
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FEMA Region 8 recently partnered with North Dakota State University to engage students in the school’s Emergency Management program by tackling a series of disaster response challenges identified by FEMA staff. Region 8 National Preparedness Division Continuous Improvement Coordinator Matt Burns helped facilitate FEMA courses for North Dakota State University. He shares more about his experience and how the students play a role in the future of emergency management.
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FEMA is hosting several 60-minute webinar sessions to provide an overview of the draft document and facilitate discussion with participants to gather feedback on additional ways to improve the guide. FEMA seeks input, especially real-world experiences, that can be incorporated into the guide. Advance registration is required.
FEMA Event