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En el mundo actual, la infraestructura son los cimientos de gran parte de nuestra vida diaria, proporcionando servicios esenciales y apoyo a las comunidades. Entre estas estructuras se encuentran las represas de agua, que desempeñan un papel fundamental al ofrecer suministro de agua, control de inundaciones y, a veces, incluso energía hidroeléctrica. La seguridad de estas represas de agua es crucial, ya que cualquier falla puede tener consecuencias catastróficas.
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In today’s world, infrastructure is the foundation to much of our daily life, providing essential services and support to communities. Among these structures are dams, which play a critical role in offering water supplies, flood control and sometimes even hydroelectric power. The safety of these dams is crucial, as any failure can lead to catastrophic consequences.
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La administración Biden-Harris anuncia $185.1 millones en adjudicaciones para 32 estados y un territorio, con el propósito de fortalecer las represas mediante el Programa Nacional de Seguridad en Represas de la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés).
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The Biden-Harris administration is announcing $185.1 million in allocations for 32 states and one territory to make dams stronger through FEMA’s National Dam Safety Program.
Press Release
National Dam Safety Awareness Day occurs on May 31 of each year in remembrance of the devastating failure of the South Fork Dam in Johnstown, Pennsylvania in 1889. It was the worst dam failure in the history of the United States and resulted in the loss of more than 2,200 lives.
The National Dam Safety Program (NDSP), authorized by Congress in 1996, is a national program that targets the improvement of dams and the safety of those who live in surrounding communities. National Dam Safety Awareness Day was created to encourage and promote individual and community responsibility for dam safety as well as to provide information on what steps can be taken to prevent future structural dam failures. A secondary goal is to promote the benefits dams offer to communities.
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