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Louisiana Hurricane Laura


Период стихийного бедствия: авг 22, 2020 - авг 27, 2020

Дата декларации: авг 28, 2020

Местные ресурсы

Местные новости и СМИ

Посетите страницу Новости и СМИ чтобы узнать о событиях, информационных бюллетенях, пресс-релизах и других мультимедийных ресурсах.

Local Resources Custom Text

Popular Resources

Visit the Louisiana state page for more localized information




Our teams are working hard to support state and local partners in response to Hurricane Laura. Visit our media collection to see more of their support in action.

Direct Temporary Housing

The road to recovery for many Hurricane Laura and Delta survivors includes placement into temporary housing units.

A graphic of a road map explaining the direct temporary housing program for private sites from approval to move-in

Damage to the existing housing stock in Southwest Louisiana from hurricanes Laura and Delta severely limited the availability of alternative housing options for households whose homes were destroyed or made unlivable due to major damage. To help meet the housing needs, FEMA’s Direct Housing Program was implemented. FEMA prefers to place temporary housing units on individual private property owned by the applicant to keep households in their community and near their jobs, schools, churches and friends, while they rebuild their homes and lives. But the process of placing temporary units on properties takes time; Each installation is a construction project.

The road to recovery for many Hurricane Laura and Delta survivors includes placement into temporary housing units, many of which are located in commercial parks.

DR-4559/4577 Direct Housing: Commercial Sites Graphic

Hurricanes Laura and Delta battered areas of Louisiana where available housing was already limited. To help meet the housing needs, as part of the Direct Temporary Housing Program, FEMA has identified a number of commercial parks with available pads throughout the affected areas to temporarily house displaced residents.

How To Help


Recovery will take many years after a disaster. Cash is the best way to help those in need.

Find a reputable organization through the National Voluntary Organizations Active in a Disaster (NVOAD) website.

Doing Business With FEMA

If you are interested in providing paid services and goods for Hurricane Laura relief, follow the steps on our Doing Business with FEMA page to get started.

"Help After a Disaster" Brochures

Translated into 27 languages, the "Help After a Disaster" brochure is a tool that can be shared in your community to help people understand the types of FEMA Individual Assistance support that may be available in disaster recovery.

Download Brochures

Tips for Rebuilding Stronger

Community Education Specialists are available to answer your repairing/rebuilding questions to make your home safer and stronger. Send your questions to

Click on for links to retrofitting & repairing your home. Have questions on making repairs? Call a Community Education Specialist at 866-579-0820, Monday through Friday, anytime between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. CST.

Как оказать помощь

Волонтерство и пожертвования

Восстановление может продлиться много лет после бедствия. Есть много способов помочь, например, пожертвовать деньги, необходимые вещи или свое время. Узнайте больше о том, как помочь людям, нуждающимся в помощи.

Не направляйтесь самостоятельно в районы стихийных бедствий. Доверенные организации в пострадавших от стихийного бедствия районах знают, где требуются волонтеры. Работайте с официальной организацией, чтобы убедиться, что у вас есть соответствующие меры безопасности, подготовка и навыки, необходимые для реагирования.

FEMA Voluntary Agency Liaisons (VALs) строит отношения и координирует усилия с добровольными, религиозными и общественными организациями, действующими в условиях стихийных бедствий.

Сотрудничество с FEMA

Если вы заинтересованы в предоставлении платных услуг и товаров для оказания помощи при стихийных бедствиях, посетите нашу страницу Сотрудничество с FEMA, чтобы начать работу.


Обязательства по финансированию

Индивидуальная помощь Сумма
Общая помощь для жилья (HA) – утвержденная сумма в долларах $172,721,058.31
Помощь для прочих нужд (ONA) – утвержденная сумма в долларах $69,979,768.79
Общая утвержденная сумма в долларах по программе для отдельных лиц и домохозяйств $242,700,827.10
Заявления на получение индивидуальной помощи утверждены 76134
государственная помощь Сумма
Emergency Work (Categories A-B) - Dollars Obligated $1,386,312,544.44
Permanent Work (Categories C-G) - Dollars Obligated $1,226,551,900.66
Total Public Assistance Grants Dollars Obligated $2,696,011,046.52
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Сумма
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) - Dollars Obligated $78,985,089.01

Перечень Disaster Recovery Centers (центров восстановления после стихийных бедствий, DRC)

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