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Grant Assistance to States

The primary purpose of the National Dam Safety Program (NDSP) State Assistance Grant Program is to provide financial assistance to the states for strengthening their dam safety programs.

The states use NDSP funds for the following types of activities:

  • Dam safety training for state personnel
  • Increase in the number of dam inspections
  • Increase in the submittal and testing of Emergency Action Plans
  • More timely review and issuance of permits
  • Improved coordination with state emergency preparedness officials
  • Identification of dams to be repaired or removed
  • Conduct dam safety awareness workshops and creation of dam safety videos and other outreach materials

Visit our Rehabilitation Of High Hazard Potential Dam (HHPD) page for information and guidance on that grant program.

$26 million in Allocations for Dam Safety State Assistance Grant Program Through Investing in America Agenda

For Fiscal Year 2024, FEMA made available $26 million in allocations to 48 states and Puerto Rico through FEMA’s National Dam Safety Program. The State Assistance program provides funding for state dam safety offices’ training, permitting and inspections, emergency action planning, and public outreach.

View the by-state awards for Fiscal Year 2024 Fall

FEMA’s National Dam Safety Program published two grant funding opportunities on Nov. 6, 2023, in support of state dam safety offices and dam construction. In total, there was about $211 million in dam safety grant funding available for Fiscal Year 2024 Fall Funding Opportunities.

Dam Safety State Assistance Grant Awards

2024 Spring

2024 Fall






The National Dam Safety Program State Assistance Grant Awards provide assistance to encourage the establishment and maintenance of effective State programs intended to ensure dam safety, to protect human life and property, and to improve State dam safety programs.

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For more information on state dam safety programs, visit the Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO).

Fiscal Year 2024 Spring

For this cycle, $7.5 million was distributed to 48 states and Puerto Rico.

FEMA RegionStateAllocation
1New Hampshire$100,777
1Rhode Island$63,362
2New Jersey$113,147
2New York$182,326
2Puerto Rico$52,000
3West Virginia$84,437
4North Carolina$222,796
4South Carolina$226,919
6New Mexico$72,296
8North Dakota$119,714
8South Dakota$234,249

Fiscal Year 2024 Fall

For this cycle, $24.2 million was distributed to 49 states and Puerto Rico.

FEMA RegionStateAward
1New Hampshire$354,595
1Rhode Island$222,654
2New Jersey$398,219
2New York$641,922
2Puerto Rico$185,214
3West Virginia$296,429
4North Carolina$704,127
4South Carolina$799,453
6New Mexico$254,151
8North Dakota$320,000
8South Dakota$224,962

Fiscal Year 2023

For this cycle, $6.25 million was distributed to 49 states and Puerto Rico

FEMA RegionStateAllocation
1 Connecticut $91,290
1 Maine $70,581
1 Massachusetts $119,563
1 New Hampshire $84,237
1 Rhode Island $52,822
1 Vermont $58,528
2 New Jersey $94,816
2 New York $152,581
2 Puerto Rico $43,975
3 Delaware $44,552
3 Maryland $68,337
3 Pennsylvania $128,603
3 Virginia $207,397
3 West Virginia $70,453
4 Florida $110,331
4 Georgia $74,364
4 Kentucky $100,522
4 Mississippi $417,494
4 North Carolina $167,263
4 South Carolina $184,317
4 Tennessee $82,506
5 Illinois $146,619
5 Indiana $95,008
5 Michigan $89,110
5 Minnesota $103,920
5 Ohio $128,218
5 Wisconsin $91,803
6 Arkansas $69,299
6 Louisiana $83,981
6 New Mexico $60,387
6 Oklahoma $343,957
6 Texas $300,553
7 Iowa $294,077
7 Kansas $203,743
7 Missouri $86,032
7 Nebraska $229,773
8 Colorado $167,840
8 Montana $212,526
8 North Dakota $100,137
8 South Dakota $196,306
8 Utah $92,572
8 Wyoming $136,617
9 Arizona $57,631
9 California $124,564
9 Hawaii $49,681
9 Nevada $72,633
10 Alaska $46,988
10 Idaho $66,671
10 Oregon $87,956
10 Washington $86,866

Fiscal Year 2022

For this cycle, $10.854 million was distributed to 49 states and Puerto Rico

FEMA RegionStateAllocation
1 Connecticut $162,206
1 Maine $123,827
1 Massachusetts $211,002
1 New Hampshire $146,923
1 Rhode Island $92,919
1 Vermont $102,996
2 New Jersey $166,961
2 New York $269,081
2 Puerto Rico $77,409
3 Delaware $78,428
3 Maryland $120,317
3 Pennsylvania $227,078
3 Virginia $358,520
3 West Virginia $124,167
4 Florida $183,490
4 Georgia $131,412
4 Kentucky $177,378
4 Mississippi $736,995
4 North Carolina $295,120
4 South Carolina $325,234
4 Tennessee $145,338
5 Illinois $256,627
5 Indiana $167,527
5 Michigan $156,885
5 Minnesota $185,189
5 Ohio $219,493
5 Wisconsin $170,018
6 Arkansas $122,129
6 Louisiana $147,489
6 New Mexico $106,391
6 Oklahoma $606,912
6 Texas $528,794
7 Iowa $518,038
7 Kansas $359,539
7 Missouri $151,678
7 Nebraska $405,617
8 Colorado $292,403
8 Montana $375,049
8 North Dakota $177,151
8 South Dakota $200,344
8 Utah $162,999
8 Wyoming $241,796
9 Arizona $101,411
9 California $220,286
9 Hawaii $87,938
9 Nevada $127,903
10 Alaska $82,730
10 Idaho $117,713
10 Oregon $152,244
10 Washington $154,848
Total $10,853,942

Fiscal Year 2021

For this cycle, $5.815 million was distributed to 48 states and Puerto Rico

FEMA RegionStateAllocation
1 Connecticut $87,180
1 Maine $67,241
1 Massachusetts $113,400
1 New Hampshire $78,766
1 Rhode Island $49,863
1 Vermont $55,290
2 New Jersey $87,546
2 New York $145,900
2 Puerto Rico $41,509
3 Delaware $42,180
3 Maryland $63,949
3 Pennsylvania $122,181
3 Virginia $192,913
3 West Virginia $66,692
4 Florida $98,644
4 Georgia $70,534
4 Kentucky $95,717
4 Mississippi $399,256
4 North Carolina $159,132
4 South Carolina $174,986
4 Tennessee $77,668
5 Illinois $130,290
5 Indiana $90,168
5 Michigan $84,254
5 Minnesota $97,729
5 Ohio $118,034
5 Wisconsin $91,388
6 Arkansas $65,656
6 Louisiana $79,558
6 New Mexico $57,119
6 Oklahoma $323,097
6 Texas $282,182
7 Iowa $275,596
7 Kansas $189,620
7 Missouri $81,510
7 Nebraska $217,852
8 Colorado $157,303
8 Montana $202,181
8 North Dakota $95,412
8 South Dakota $185,718
8 Utah $88,278
8 Wyoming $128,827
9 Arizona $54,497
9 California $114,985
9 Hawaii $47,180
9 Nevada $68,949
10 Alaska $43,948
10 Idaho $62,668
10 Oregon $90,778
Total $5,815,325

Fiscal Year 2020

For this cycle, $6.15 million was distributed to 49 states and Puerto Rico

FEMA RegionStateAllocation
1 Connecticut $91,454
1 Maine $69,748
1 Massachusetts $119,555
1 New Hampshire $82,410
1 Rhode Island $52,176
1 Vermont $57,732
2 New Jersey $94,167
2 New York $152,050
2 Puerto Rico $43,326
3 Delaware $44,036
3 Maryland $66,324
3 Pennsylvania $129,181
3 Virginia $170,332
3 West Virginia $70,717
4 Florida $111,028
4 Georgia $73,042
4 Kentucky $99,529
4 Mississippi $420,082
4 North Carolina $165,746
4 South Carolina $183,963
4 Tennessee $82,280
5 Illinois $137,385
5 Indiana $95,071
5 Michigan $88,418
5 Minnesota $101,596
5 Ohio $126,080
5 Wisconsin $94,361
6 Arkansas $69,425
6 Louisiana $77,952
6 New Mexico $60,316
6 Oklahoma $341,591
6 Texas $295,918
7 Iowa $287,649
7 Kansas $203,602
7 Missouri $85,704
7 Nebraska $228,926
8 Colorado $151,533
8 Montana $210,902
8 North Dakota $98,560
8 South Dakota $196,108
8 Utah $91,325
8 Wyoming $137,450
9 Arizona $57,086
9 California $121,041
9 Hawaii $49,463
9 Nevada $73,430
10 Alaska $45,845
10 Idaho $68,326
10 Oregon $94,038
10 Washington $82,022
Total $6,150,001

Fiscal Year 2019

For this cycle, $6.8 million was distributed to 49 states and Puerto Rico.

Grant Year Region State Allocation
FY22 1 Connecticut $162,206.00
FY22 1 Maine $123,827.00
FY22 1 Massachusetts $211,002.00
FY22 1 New Hampshire $146,923.00
FY22 1 Rhode Island $92,919.00
FY22 1 Vermont $102,996.00
FY22 2 New Jersey $166,961.00
FY22 2 New York $269,081.00
FY22 2 Puerto Rico $77,409.00
FY22 3 Delaware $78,428.00
FY22 3 Maryland $120,317.00
FY22 3 Pennsylvania $227,078.00
FY22 3 Virginia $358,520.00
FY22 3 West Virginia $124,167.00
FY22 4 Florida $183,490.00
FY22 4 Georgia $131,412.00
FY22 4 Kentucky $177,378.00
FY22 4 Mississippi $736,995.00
FY22 4 North Carolina $295,120.00
FY22 4 South Carolina $325,234.00
FY22 4 Tennessee $145,338.00
FY22 5 Illinois $256,627.00
FY22 5 Indiana $167,527.00
FY22 5 Michigan $156,885.00
FY22 5 Minnesota $185,189.00
FY22 5 Ohio $219,493.00
FY22 5 Wisconsin $170,018.00
FY22 6 Arkansas $122,129.00
FY22 6 Louisiana $147,489.00
FY22 6 New Mexico $106,391.00
FY22 6 Oklahoma $606,912.00
FY22 6 Texas $528,794.00
FY22 7 Iowa $518,038.00
FY22 7 Kansas $359,539.00
FY22 7 Missouri $151,678.00
FY22 7 Nebraska $405,617.00
FY22 8 Colorado $292,403.00
FY22 8 Montana $375,049.00
FY22 8 North Dakota $177,151.00
FY22 8 South Dakota $200,344.00
FY22 8 Utah $162,999.00
FY22 8 Wyoming $241,796.00
FY22 9 Arizona $101,411.00
FY22 9 California $220,286.00
FY22 9 Hawaii $87,938.00
FY22 9 Nevada $127,903.00
FY22 10 Alaska $82,730.00
FY22 10 Idaho $117,713.00
FY22 10 Oregon $152,244.00
FY22 10 Washington $154,848.00
FY21 1 Connecticut $87,180.41
FY21 1 Maine $67,241.26
FY21 1 Massachusetts $113,400.09
FY21 1 New Hampshire $78,765.73
FY21 1 Rhode Island $49,863.11
FY21 1 Vermont $55,289.97
FY21 2 New Jersey $87,546.27
FY21 2 New York $145,900.29
FY21 2 Puerto Rico $41,509.40
FY21 3 Delaware $42,180.13
FY21 3 Maryland $63,948.56
FY21 3 Pennsylvania $122,180.63
FY21 3 Virginia $192,912.78
FY21 3 West Virginia $66,692.48
FY21 4 Florida $98,643.90
FY21 4 Georgia $70,533.97
FY21 4 Kentucky $95,717.05
FY21 4 Mississippi $399,255.53
FY21 4 North Carolina $159,132.08
FY21 4 South Carolina $174,985.84
FY21 4 Tennessee $77,668.16
FY21 5 Illinois $130,290.44
FY21 5 Indiana $90,168.24
FY21 5 Michigan $84,253.57
FY21 5 Minnesota $97,729.26
FY21 5 Ohio $118,034.26
FY21 5 Wisconsin $91,387.76
FY21 6 Arkansas $65,655.89
FY21 6 Louisiana $79,558.41
FY21 6 New Mexico $57,119.25
FY21 6 Oklahoma $323,096.52
FY21 6 Texas $282,181.63
FY21 7 Iowa $275,596.22
FY21 7 Kansas $189,620.08
FY21 7 Missouri $81,509.65
FY21 7 Nebraska $217,851.96
FY21 8 Colorado $157,302.80
FY21 8 Montana $202,181.13
FY21 8 North Dakota $95,412.17
FY21 8 South Dakota $185,717.61
FY21 8 Utah $88,277.98
FY21 8 Wyoming $128,827.01
FY21 9 Arizona $54,497.28
FY21 9 California $114,985.46
FY21 9 Hawaii $47,180.16
FY21 9 Nevada $68,948.59
FY21 10 Alaska $43,948.44
FY21 10 Idaho $62,668.06
FY21 10 Oregon $90,778.00
FY20 1 Connecticut $91,454.00
FY20 1 Maine $69,748.00
FY20 1 Massachusetts $119,555.00
FY20 1 New Hampshire $82,410.00
FY20 1 Rhode Island $52,176.00
FY20 1 Vermont $57,732.00
FY20 2 New Jersey $94,167.00
FY20 2 New York $152,050.00
FY20 2 Puerto Rico $43,326.00
FY20 3 Delaware $44,036.00
FY20 3 Maryland $66,324.00
FY20 3 Pennsylvania $129,181.00
FY20 3 Virginia $170,332.00
FY20 3 West Virginia $70,717.00
FY20 4 Florida $111,028.00
FY20 4 Georgia $73,042.00
FY20 4 Kentucky $99,529.00
FY20 4 Mississippi $420,082.00
FY20 4 North Carolina $165,746.00
FY20 4 South Carolina $183,963.00
FY20 4 Tennessee $82,280.00
FY20 5 Illinois $137,385.00
FY20 5 Indiana $95,071.00
FY20 5 Michigan $88,418.00
FY20 5 Minnesota $101,596.00
FY20 5 Ohio $126,080.00
FY20 5 Wisconsin $94,361.00
FY20 6 Arkansas $69,425.00
FY20 6 Louisiana $77,952.00
FY20 6 New Mexico $60,316.00
FY20 6 Oklahoma $341,591.00
FY20 6 Texas $295,918.00
FY20 7 Iowa $287,649.00
FY20 7 Kansas $203,602.00
FY20 7 Missouri $85,704.00
FY20 7 Nebraska $228,926.00
FY20 8 Colorado $151,533.00
FY20 8 Montana $210,902.00
FY20 8 North Dakota $98,560.00
FY20 8 South Dakota $196,108.00
FY20 8 Utah $91,325.00
FY20 8 Wyoming $137,450.00
FY20 9 Arizona $57,086.00
FY20 9 California $121,041.00
FY20 9 Hawaii $49,463.00
FY20 9 Nevada $73,430.00
FY20 10 Alaska $45,845.00
FY20 10 Idaho $68,326.00
FY20 10 Oregon $94,038.00
FY20 10 Washington $82,022.00
FY19 1 Connecticut $101,157.00
FY19 1 Maine $77,355.00
FY19 1 Massachusetts $132,250.00
FY19 1 New Hampshire $91,508.00
FY19 1 Rhode Island $57,699.00
FY19 1 Vermont $63,846.00
FY19 2 New Jersey $104,160.00
FY19 2 New York $168,204.00
FY19 2 Puerto Rico $47,907.00
FY19 3 Delaware $48,693.00
FY19 3 Maryland $73,353.00
FY19 3 Pennsylvania $142,900.00
FY19 3 Virginia $188,432.00
FY19 3 West Virginia $78,213.00
FY19 4 Florida $122,815.00
FY19 4 Georgia $76,998.00
FY19 4 Kentucky $110,021.00
FY19 4 Mississippi $464,765.00
FY19 4 North Carolina $183,357.00
FY19 4 South Carolina $203,514.00
FY19 4 Tennessee $91,008.00
FY19 5 Illinois $151,987.00
FY19 5 Indiana $105,160.00
FY19 5 Michigan $97,798.00
FY19 5 Minnesota $112,379.00
FY19 5 Ohio $139,470.00
FY19 5 Wisconsin $104,374.00
FY19 6 Arkansas $76,784.00
FY19 6 Louisiana $86,219.00
FY19 6 New Mexico $66,705.00
FY19 6 Oklahoma $377,919.00
FY19 6 Texas $327,385.00
FY19 7 Iowa $318,235.00
FY19 7 Kansas $225,243.00
FY19 7 Missouri $94,796.00
FY19 7 Nebraska $253,262.00
FY19 8 Colorado $167,632.00
FY19 8 Montana $233,320.00
FY19 8 North Dakota $108,949.00
FY19 8 South Dakota $216,951.00
FY19 8 Utah $101,014.00
FY19 8 Wyoming $152,050.00
FY19 9 Arizona $63,131.00
FY19 9 California $134,180.00
FY19 9 Hawaii $54,697.00
FY19 9 Nevada $81,215.00
FY19 10 Alaska $50,694.00
FY19 10 Idaho $75,568.00
FY19 10 Oregon $104,017.00
FY19 10 Washington $90,722.00