FEMA JOINS LAFAYETTE LIBRARIES TO PROVIDE INCLUSIVE PREPAREDNESS INFORMATION DURING DISABILITY BOOK WEEK [https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20230420/fema-joins-lafayette-libraries-provide-inclusive-preparedness-information] Release Date: April 20, 2023 BATON ROUGE, LA. – FEMA is partnering with state, local and non-profit agencies to present a workshop on preparedness for persons with disabilities. Anyone who may have access and functional needs requiring more time or effort to prepare for a natural disaster, or to evacuate, as well as their caretakers are encouraged to attend. You do not need to sign up in advance. DISABILITY BOOK WEEK AND PREPAREDNESS EVENTS - LAFAYETTE TUESDAY, APRIL 25, FROM 9:30 A.M. - NOON South Regional Library 6101 Johnston St. Lafayette, LA 70503 THURSDAY, APRIL 27, FROM 9 A.M. - NOON Lafayette Public Library 301 W. Congress St. Lafayette, LA 70502 The Lafayette workshops will be on “Utilizing Libraries in Disaster Recovery” and cover library resources to scan and upload documents as well as using platforms such as Google Drive to create an Emergency Preparedness folder that can be accessed from the user’s phone with items such as insurance and medical paperwork. Disability specialists will be on hand to answer questions. American Sign Language interpreters will be provided. And American Red Cross staff will provide a reading of “Prepare with Pedro” for children. This event is a collaboration between FEMA Disability Integration, Louisiana Governor's Office of Disability Affairs, NOLA Ready, Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, New Orleans Public Library System, Lafayette Public Library System and Families Helping Families. The Governor has signed a Proclamation for Disability Book Week.