CLAIMS NAVIGATORS TO BEGIN CALLING HERMIT’S PEAK/CALF CANYON CLAIMANTS [] Release Date: March 27, 2023 SANTA FE, NM – Starting today, Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Claims Navigators will begin calling claimants who have already submitted their Notice of Loss (NOL) form []. Claims Navigators will offer claimants the opportunity to discuss questions or concerns relating to their claim and make appointments to meet in person. Anyone who submits a NOL by today will be contacted by the end of April; those who submit an NOL after today will be contacted within 30 days of submitting their NOL. Claims Navigators are your guide through the claims process. To the extent possible, they’ll stay with you for the entire period of your claim, from start to finish. They’ll also help to connect you to other forms of assistance from additional federal, state, local and nonprofit organizations. All Claims Navigators are local New Mexicans and most are bilingual. Claims Navigators will not be asking for banking information at this time. If someone contacts you and you are unsure about the authenticity of the caller, call the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Claims Office at 505-995-7133 to verify their identity. If you haven’t submitted a Notice of Loss form [] yet, visit our website for instructions about how to fill out the form [].