WV VOAD CONFERENCE 2022 “PARTNERING IN RESILIENCY” [https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20221014/wv-voad-conference-2022-partnering-resiliency] Release Date: October 6, 2022 Philadelphia – When disasters happen, one of the first groups to jump into action are our partners with West Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (WV VOAD). Last month, WV VOAD held their annual conference in South Charleston with the theme “Partnering in Resiliency.” Following that line, among those in attendance at the South Charleston event were the group’s partners in state and federal emergency management. Both West Virginia Emergency Management Division (WVEMD) and FEMA Region 3 built on relationships and shared information important for building resiliency in the Mountain State. WVEMD’s Chief of Mitigation and Recovery Kelli Batch spoke to the attendees on ways that communities can improve their resilience to natural disasters and the types of funds that are available in West Virginia. James Young, Disaster Field Coordinator for the FEMA Region 3 FEMA Integration Team (FEMA R3 WVFIT), shared information on the team’s resources and capabilities from its base in Charleston. FEMA Region 3 Administrator MaryAnn Tierney called upon her experiences in discussing the complexities of emergency management and the best practices for being successful in a changing world. WVEMD Director GE McCabe spoke of WV VOAD in glowing terms. “Most of our partners are called out during an emergency only if their agency is directly involved. This isn’t the case with VOAD,” he said. “WV VOAD helps us coordinate relief efforts during an emergency or disaster from beginning to end. When VOAD asked us to be part of the 2022 conference, we were more than happy to participate.” FEMA Region 3 Administrator Tierney echoed his sentiments, “Disaster response and recovery is a team effort and interagency cooperation is key,” she said. “A unity of effort is required at the federal, state and local level – and WV VOAD and its member organizations are a crucial part of the process.” WV VOAD returned the compliments. “We already have a great relationship with FEMA and WVEMD,” said WV VOAD Director Jenny Gannaway. “We’re always in collaboration working together. I always know where to go for the resources to be successful.” James Young, for the FEMA R3 WVFIT, summed up: “WV VOAD is a critical recovery partner in West Virginia, and their annual conference is a great reminder of the strength and value of VOAD's member organizations. It was a pleasure to be part of the conference and to discuss the role of the FEMA R3 WVFIT in all phases of emergency management in the Mountain State."WV VOAD is an essential part of any disaster relief effort in West Virginia. During a disaster, WV VOAD provides critical assistance with food, cleaning supplies, clean up, repairs and rebuilding. WV VOAD is involved in emergency or through all four phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. WV VOAD collaborates with local, regional, & national partners to coordinate disaster relief, response, & recovery efforts in times of disaster. [woman behind podium speaking.] _PHOTO:__ MaryAnn Tierney, FEMA Region 3 administrator, discussed the challenges and opportunities facing emergency management at the state conference of the West Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster on Sept. 21, 2022, in South Charleston, W.Va. (Philip Maramba/FEMA)_ [woman behind a podium addresses a large conference room full of people.] _PHOTO:__ MaryAnn Tierney, FEMA Region 3 administrator, discussed the challenges and opportunities facing emergency management at the state conference of the West Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster on Sept. 21, 2022, in South Charleston, W.Va. (Philip Maramba/FEMA)_ [woman behind podium speaking.] _PHOTO: __Kelli Batch, Chief of Mitigation and Recovery with West Virginia Emergency Management Division, shares information on how communities can secure funding for disaster mitigation at the state conference of the West Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster on Sept. 21, 2022, in South Charleston, W.Va. (Philip Maramba/FEMA)_