RECOVERY AT A GLANCE– DOUGLAS COUNTY NOV. 16, 2020 [] Release Date: Nov 17, 2020 (As of Nov. 15, 2020, unless otherwise noted) * Eighty individuals and households have been approved for $543,744 in federal grants through FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program. * $381,000 in U.S. Small Business Administration low-interest disaster loans have been approved for 5 homeowners and renters as of Nov. 13. * * Assistance: * There have been approximately $406,552 in grants approved for housing repairs or replacement for 59 homeowners. * $137,192 in grants have been approved for personal property, transportation and other disaster-related serious needs for 64 applicants. * 1,552 home inspections have been issued with 99 percent completed. * * to Survivors: * The External Outreach Site at Old Middle School Gym, 301 Glide Loop Rd. Glide, OR 97443, closed Nov. 14 and assisted 47 visitors. * There have been 12 Speaker’s Bureau events, providing information regarding FEMA programs throughout disaster-affected communities. * Through Disaster Survivor Assistance (DSA) field outreach, 80 survivors were referred to disaster resources and recovery partners for needs beyond what FEMA can provide as of Nov 9. * Through DSA virtual outreach, at least 42,538 people were reached via 92 organizations and non-congregate shelters willing to disseminate disaster assistance information aka, DSA Distro Packet as of Nov 9.