The Commonwealth, Local Partners and FEMA Repair Mayfield Electrical & Water Systems after Tornado Damage

Release Date Release Number
DR-4630-KY NR-080
Release Date:
October 10, 2023

FRANKFORT, Ky. –The Commonwealth of Kentucky, The Electric Plant Board of Mayfield and FEMA have repaired or replaced the Mayfield & Water Electrical Systems’ damaged or destroyed poles and transformers struck during the Dec. 10-11, 2021, tornadoes. 

This project, at a total cost of $7.34 million, took 18 months to complete.  As Mayfield Electrical Systems had exceptional damage and/or expenses, the Federal cost share is 90% and state and local cost share is 10%,  bringing the Federal cost share to $7.11 million and the non-Federal share to $790,479.

Public Assistance Hazard Mitigation is a cost-sharing program. Because of the magnitude of damage from the tornadoes, President Biden in January 2022 authorized a cost share adjustment to 90% federal funding and 10% funding for the Commonwealth and local partners.

This means FEMA reimburses applicants at 90% of eligible costs with the remaining 10% covered by the commonwealth. The federal share is paid directly to the commonwealth to disburse to agencies, local governments and the nonprofit organizations that incurred costs.

“We are pleased the Commonwealth, local partners and FEMA together restored this facility back to its pre-disaster design, function and capacity,” said Jeremy Slinker, Director of Kentucky Emergency Management.

“This public utility is essential to Mayfield residents.  We are proud that the Commonwealth, local partners and FEMA all participated in helping to rebuild and restore this electric distribution system throughout the city of Mayfield,” added John Brogan FEMA’s Federal Coordinating Officer. 

The Hazard Mitigation Mission is to protect lives and prevent or reduce the loss of property from hazard events, aligns directly with the FEMA Mission Statement of helping people before, during, and after disasters.​  

For more information on Kentucky’s recovery from the tornadoes, visit Follow FEMA on Twitter at FEMA Region 4 (@femaregion4) / Twitter and at

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