FEMA Offers Military Personnel Disaster Assistance

Release Date Release Number
R4-DR-4399-FL NR 037
Release Date:
November 10, 2018

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- FEMA may provide disaster assistance to eligible, active-duty military and civilian military employees as long as it does not duplicate assistance from the military.


Active-duty military and civilian military employees who live in privately owned housing on base may be eligible for all categories of housing assistance.

Applicants living in military housing may receive Rental Assistance if they document that they are not receiving housing assistance from another source.


Active-duty military personnel stationed outside the country may authorize a third party to be present for inspection of their damaged primary residence.

To use a third party, a military applicant must provide the FEMA-contracted inspector with the name and contact information of the authorized agent. At the inspection the third party must have personal identification along with the nine-digit FEMA registration number of the applicant.

When a FEMA inspector arrives, he must provide official government identification including a picture ID.

Miscellaneous personal expenses related to the disaster that are not covered by insurance or defense department programs may also be eligible for FEMA Other Needs Assistance.


Register or get information at DisasterAssistance.gov, through the FEMA app on phones/tablets, or call 800-621-3362, 800-462-7585 (TTY). Multilingual operators are available 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week. If you need a sign language interpreter, foreign language translator, a Braille document or large-print or electronic file and it is not available on the FEMA website (Resources-people-disabilities-access-functional-needs), please call 470-364-7252.






FEMA’s mission: Helping people before, during, and after disasters.


For a list of resources available to individuals and businesses affected by Hurricane Michael, visit www.floridadisaster.org/info

For more Hurricane Michael recovery information, visit www.fema.gov/disaster/4399.


Follow FEMA and the Florida Division of Emergency Management on Twitter at @FEMARegion4 and @FLSERT. You may also visit FEMA and the Division’s Facebook pages at Facebook.com/FEMA and Facebook.com/FloridaSERT.



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