Deadline to Apply for Federal Disaster Assistance Today, But FEMA Remains in Louisiana

Release Date Release Number
DR-4590-LA NR 009
Release Date:
May 10, 2021

BATON ROUGE, La.Today is the final day to register for federal disaster assistance for Louisiana homeowners, renters or business owners who sustained property damage or loss caused by severe winter storms in February. Registration is also available to those who had to relocate to a hotel because their utilities failed, and insurance didn’t cover their hotel stay.

FEMA, along with its federal and Louisiana state partners, remains committed to respond to the long-term needs of survivors and help them rebuild stronger, more resilient homes and communities.

Survivors who received a determination letter saying their application was ineligible may believe that the decision is incorrect or that their situation has changed. Survivors can speak with FEMA specialists to learn about the appeals process, discuss documentation requirements and get assistance with writing an appeal letter. Contact FEMA:

You can update your contact information or insurance settlement by using the contact information above.

There are other FEMA programs that are not as visible to individual survivors.

Specialists with FEMA Individual Assistance support communities as Voluntary Agency Liaisons (VALs). They serve as the central coordination point between local, state, tribal, territorial and federal governments and volunteer, faith-based and community organizations. Their work includes coordination of volunteers and donations. VALs play a vital role in FEMA’s mission and are often called upon to be FEMA’s bridge to the community.

FEMA’s Community Education and Outreach (CEO) specialists offer free webinars to help those affected by the recent winter storm and hurricanes with their recovery. FEMA CEO specialists are standing by Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. to talk to you about repairing/rebuilding safer and stronger. Please call them at 833-336-2487.

Visit this web page for publications you can use as guides for your recovery: or for Spanish.

For the latest information on the winter storm, visit Louisiana Severe Winter Storms (DR-4590-LA). Follow the FEMA Region 6 Twitter account at

Last updated