Brewton Civic Center Hosts FEMA Mobile Registration Intake Center

Release Date Release Number
NR 009
Release Date:
September 30, 2020

MONTGOMERY, Ala. A FEMA Mobile Registration Intake Center (MRIC) opens this week at Brewton in Escambia County. The center is a registration option available to Hurricane Sally survivors, especially those without access to internet service or telephone.

Impacted residents of Baldwin, Escambia and Mobile counties can visit the Brewton MRIC Thursday, Oct. 1 through Saturday, Oct. 3, at the Brewton Civic Center, 1010-C Douglas Ave., Brewton. 

Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day (contingent on the weather).

Other MRICs now available to survivors include:

  • Foley in Baldwin County. Open through Saturday, Oct. 3 at the Foley Satellite Courthouse, 201 E. Section Ave.
  • Mobile in Mobile County. Open through Saturday, Oct. 3 at Bishop State Community College, 351 N. Broad St.
  • Fairhope in Baldwin County. Operated by the Alabama Emergency Management Agency (AEMA). Open from Thursday, Oct. 1 through Saturday, Oct. 3 at 1100 Fairhope Ave.
  • Robertsdale in Baldwin County. Open from Thursday, Oct. 1 through Saturday, Oct. 3 at Central Annex, 22251 Palmer St.

Hours of operation for all centers are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day (contingent on the weather).

The MRICs are part of FEMA’s and the State of Alabama’s ongoing response and recovery mission supporting hurricane survivors. MRICs are operated by FEMA and AEMA personnel and serve as a point of registration and information for eligible individuals and families. The centers are just one of a number of ways survivors can apply for federal disaster assistance.

MRICs operate under protocols to protect the health and safety of registrants. Individuals are highly encouraged to wear masks or face coverings when visiting a center.

Survivors may also register for federal disaster assistance:

  • By calling the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 (TTY 800-462-7585). Helpline operators are also available to answer questions about applications already submitted.

Information that may be useful to have when you register includes:

  • Address of the damaged primary dwelling where the damage occurred
  • Current mailing address
  • Current telephone number
  • Insurance information and description of disaster-caused damage and loss
  • Total household annual income
  • Names and birth dates of family members who live in the household
  • Name and Social Security number of co-applicant (if applicable)
  • Routing and account number for checking or savings account so FEMA may directly transfer disaster assistance funds

For the latest information on Hurricane Sally, visit

Last updated