Oakland, Calif. – With $2.3 million in federal funds, the Los Angeles Unified School District will protect the lives of students and instructors through an earthquake safety project at the Benjamin Franklin Senior High School Boys’ Physical Education Building in North East Los Angeles.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) awarded $1,762,852 to further the district’s long-term earthquake safety goals through this project that retrofits the Franklin High building to current earthquake standards. The school district has successfully secured 20 Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) grants since 2003 and will fund $587,617 of the school safety project.
FEMA’s PDM program helps States, territories, federally-recognized tribes, local communities and certain private non-profit organizations to invest in pre-disaster activities to protect people buildings and infrastructure and reduce future disaster costs.
FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters. Our vision is to have a more prepared and resilient nation by building a culture of preparedness, readying the nation for catastrophic disasters, and reducing the complexity of FEMA.