PENSACOLA, Fla – FEMA has approved a grant of $2,584,225 for Jackson Hospital in Marianna for the purchase and installation of 12 permanent generators within the hospital’s network of facilities. The grant is funded by FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) and was approved in response to a proposal by the hospital after Hurricane Michael in 2018. Ten diesel generators are to be placed at selected locations and two are designated for the Hudnall Medical Building. An automatic transfer switch – which ensures the continuous delivery of electrical power from either a power company or a generator – will be installed at the main hospital. The project will allow Jackson Hospital to continue operating at all locations during future power outages.
Under the HMGP, FEMA provides grants to help communities eliminate or reduce disaster-related damage. Following a major disaster, a percentage of total federal recovery grant funds is designated to develop more resilient communities. Because Florida has an Enhanced Hazard Mitigation Plan, this means more funds are available for the post-disaster mitigation programs. States with an enhanced plan receive HMGP funds based on 20% of the total estimated eligible Stafford Act disaster assistance.