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Partner Voices Audio Series

Insights and Reflections


Throughout the year, the Resilient Nation Partnership Network (RNPN) co-creates a variety of materials to help share the vast knowledge represented in the Network, as well as reflect on learnings from our partner events including the Resilience Exchanges and Ideation Hours. Please see the latest resources below. We welcome you to share them with your peers and networks.

Partner Voices Audio Series

To continue advancing conversations around community engagement and resilience, the RNPN produced the “Partner Voices” narratives featured in the “Building Alliances for Equitable Resilience” resource. The stories were authored from the perspectives of four diverse partners with narration from FEMA director of External Affairs.

“Remembering and Including the Voices of Native People"

Featuring Nikki Cooley, Diné Nation/Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals
English transcript | Spanish transcript

“Tribal/indigenous people are the First People of this nation, survived forced relocations and removals from traditional homelands, and are now emerging as the leaders in climate change adaptation and mitigation. True, long term partnership and engagement are required and needed.” -Nikki Cooley, Dine Nation; Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals

“Mobilizing Equitable Resilience at the Local Level"

Featuring Anna Marandi, National League of Cities
English transcript | Spanish transcript

“We have a long way to go culturally and socially in encouraging individuals to engage in deep, inward reflection so we can all better understand our respective roles in a racist system – not as a personal flaw, but as something we were born into and have the power to change.” -Anna Marandi, National League of Cities

“Remembering Our Most Vulnerable During Times of Need”

Featuring Valerie Novack, Center for American Progress
English transcript | Spanish transcript

“We cannot continue to only write and talk about building networks, practices, and communities that are prepared for and resilient to disaster events. We must actively engage in the changes necessary to make them so, and we hope that resources such as these are the start to that work.” -Valerie Novack, Utah State University; Formerly Center for American Progress

“Nothing About Us, Without Us”

Featuring Jake White, National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders
English transcript | Spanish transcript

“Most of the signs of a struggling neighborhood can be attributed to local disinvestment, but just because a neighborhood does not receive local investment does not mean that the neighborhood has not created a community with inherent worth.” -Jake White, National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders

Resilience Exchange Insights

After each Resilience Exchange, key takeaways, outcomes and resources from the discussion are highlighted for the Network and event attendees. These recaps provide a snapshot of the event's impact and value.

View Past Insights and Reflections

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