News, Media & Events: Ohio


A photo of the skyline of Chicago along Lake Michigan.
FEMA is hosting the 2025 Hazard Mitigation Partners workshop in person this year! Join us in beautiful Rosemont, Illinois for an opportunity to connect with fellow hazard mitigation stakeholders. This annual event is the perfect chance to get the latest updates on mitigation grants and floodplain management, strengthen our partnerships, and collaborate with federal partners, including FEMA.

Preparedness Tips

A few inches of water in a 1,000-square foot home could cost more than $10,000 in repairs and replacement of personal possessions. Homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover most floods. Learn more about flood insurance.

Press Releases and Fact Sheets

FEMA is now accepting applications for the Youth Preparedness Council (YPC) until March 3. YPC is a program that brings teens together from across the nation who are interested and engaged in community preparedness.
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CHICAGO — Preliminary flood risk information and updated Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) are available for review by residents and business owners in Butler County, Ohio. Property owners are encouraged to review the latest information to learn about local flood risks and potential future flood insurance requirements. Community stakeholders can identify any concerns or questions about the information provided and participate in the 90-day appeal and comment period.
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COLUMBUS – Homeowners and renters with disaster-related damage or loss from the March 14 tornadoes in Auglaize, Crawford, Darke, Delaware, Hancock, Licking, Logan, Mercer, Miami, Richland and Union counties have just a few more days to apply with FEMA and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). July 1 is the last day you can file an application.
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