फिमा व्यक्तिगत सहायता बुनियादी एवम महत्वपूर्ण जरूरतों के लिए अनुदान प्रदान करके आपदा से बचे लोगों को पुनर्प्राप्ति शुरू करने में मदद करती है। संघीय सहायता प्रक्रिया के बारे में प्रश्नों के उत्तर नीचे पाए जा सकते हैं।
FEMA Individual Assistance helps disaster survivors begin recovery by providing grants for basic, critical needs. Answers to questions about the federal assistance process can be found below.
Six weeks after President Joe Biden signed a major disaster declaration following the Aug. 30 landfall of Hurricane Idalia, a total of more than $10.167 million in federal assistance has been approved for supporting the recovery of Georgia survivors.
Six weeks after President Joe Biden signed a major disaster declaration following the Aug. 30 landfall of Hurricane Idalia, a total of more than $10.167 million in federal assistance has been approved for supporting the recovery of Georgia survivors.