Faith Based Communities
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The Protecting Places of Worship National Weeks of Action takes place Sept. 16 – 27, 2024 as part of National Preparedness Month.
FEMA Event
FEMA is hosting several 60-minute webinar sessions to provide an overview of the draft “Engaging Faith-Based and Community Organizations: Planning Considerations for Emergency Managers” and facilitate discussion with participants to gather feedback on additional ways to improve the guide. FEMA seeks input, especially real-world experiences, that can be incorporated into the guide. Advance registration is required.
FEMA Event
La Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Centro para Alianzas con Base de Fe y Comunitarias del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS, por sus siglas en inglés) colaboraron para llevar a cabo una mesa redonda sobre resiliencia climática que agrupó lideres de múltiples religiones durante la semana pasada.
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FEMA and the DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships co-hosted a Multi-Faith Leader Climate Resilience Roundtable last week. The event brought together more than 25 agencies and organizations to address climate change and convene with faith-based organizations focused on climate resilience.
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U.S. Virgin Islands -- Several houses of worship in the U.S. Virgin Islands are recipients of FEMA’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program this year. In total, about $900,000 was awarded to various houses of worship and nonprofit organizations through a competitive application process. These grants will fund structural enhancements to protect these vital community institutions from security related concerns.
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