FEMA UPDATES STATE-SPECIFIC FUNERAL ASSISTANCE INFORMATION [https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20210525/fema-updates-state-specific-funeral-assistance-information] Release Date: 5월 25, 2021 WASHINGTON -- FEMA continues to accept applications for funeral assistance for COVID-19-related funeral expenses. As of Monday, May 24, the agency has received nearly 196,000 applications, and approved more than $66 million for more than 9,700 applicants. Applicants may apply by calling 844-684-6333 (TTY: 800-462-7585) from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday. Multilingual services are available. Please note, phone calls from FEMA may come from an unidentified number. Additional information about the assistance and frequently asked questions are available on FEMA.gov [https://www.fema.gov/]. Please find below state-specific information:   State/Territory Registrations Amount Approved Number of Awards ALABAMA 4,575 $391,937 56 ALASKA 88 $11,050 2 AMERICAN SAMOA 4  $0 0 ARIZONA 3,264 $183,335 36 ARKANSAS 1,914 $309,212 51 CALIFORNIA 21,467 $7,011,213 1,056 COLORADO 1,352 $244,899 37 COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANAS 3  $0 0 CONNECTICUT 2,479 $982,926 138 DELAWARE 577 $232,719 37 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 396 $169,743 23 FLORIDA 11,060 $4,202,586 705 GEORGIA 7,380 $909,958 132 GUAM 8 $0 0 HAWAII 190 $24,680 5 IDAHO 371 $200,613 34 ILLINOIS 8,234 $3,436,626 498 INDIANA 3,350 $244,671 33 IOWA 1,833 $304,241 37 KANSAS 1,655 $40,222 7 KENTUCKY 2,634 $274,910 39 LOUISIANA 3,713 $741,648 98 MAINE 211 $67,518 15 MARYLAND 3,893 $708,390 101 MASSACHUSETTS 4,121 $1,060,154 152 MICHIGAN 6,393 $589,823 89 MINNESOTA 1,840 $650,726 98 MISSISSIPPI 3,275 $487,723 64 MISSOURI 3,326 $217,390 34 MONTANA 328 $32,074 5 NEBRASKA 823 $219,909 27 NEVADA 1,678 $211,868 37 NEW HAMPSHIRE 461 $213,360 38 NEW JERSEY 8,545 $5,362,366 745 NEW MEXICO 1,074 $91,784 24 NEW YORK 18,420 $13,999,149 1,935 NORTH CAROLINA 5,688 $3,526,193 519 NORTH DAKOTA 494 $118,166 15 OHIO 6,672 $7,500,006 1,148 OKLAHOMA 2,801 $652,687 91 OREGON 529 $120,869 25 PENNSYLVANIA 9,075 $2,032,674 305 PUERTO RICO 800 $55,192 12 RHODE ISLAND 883 $735,508 102 SOUTH CAROLINA 4,104 $389,945 54 SOUTH DAKOTA 511 $354,892 44 TENNESSEE 4,860 $320,922 49 TEXAS 17,727 $4,478,361 650 UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS 17 $0 0 UTAH 731 $415,171 64 VERMONT 99 $17,221 3 VIRGINIA 4,291 $1,013,013 148 WASHINGTON 1,214 $156,228 27 WEST VIRGINIA 987 $132,464 22 WISCONSIN 3,284 $206,818 29 WYOMING 163 $79,955 14 _* Funeral assistance data can/will change daily; the information reflects data as of 3 p.m. ET Monday,_ _May 24, 2021._