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2025 Hazard Mitigation Partners Workshop

FEMA is hosting the 2025 Hazard Mitigation Partners workshop in person this year! Join us in beautiful Rosemont, Illinois for an opportunity to connect with fellow hazard mitigation stakeholders. This annual event is the perfect chance to get the latest updates on mitigation grants and floodplain management, strengthen our partnerships, and collaborate with federal partners, including FEMA.
날짜: 4월 22, 2025 - 4월 24, 2025
시간: 2:00 pm - 10:00 pm
위치: 현장
Crowne Plaza O’Hare, Rosemont Illinois
이벤트 세부 정보
Join us for an opportunity to enhance partnerships and advance our shared goals in hazard mitigation and floodplain management to build a Stronger Tomorrow, Together.
This event brings together hazard mitigation and floodplain stakeholders from across the country to foster collaboration and strengthen partnerships between FEMA and its key partners.
Attendees will gain insights from keynote speakers and participate in plenary sessions addressing pressing topics in hazard mitigation, including the latest developments in mitigation grants, floodplain management, and risk reduction strategies. Subject matter experts will lead in-depth discussions, providing participants with the tools and knowledge to build more resilient communities.
Additionally, FEMA is conducting a call for abstracts. Submissions can be emailed to The call for abstracts submission period deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2025.
이벤트 연락처
For questions about the HM Partners Workshop, please email