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Congressional Subcommittees

The NAC may establish subcommittees and working groups for any purpose consistent with its charter. Subcommittees and working groups may not work independently from the NAC and must report their recommendations and advice to the NAC for full deliberation and discussions. Subcommittees and working groups have no authority to make decisions on behalf of the NAC and may not report directly to the Administrator or any other entity.

The 2025 NAC subcommittees include:

  • Consequence Management Subcommittee
  • Long-Term Risk Reduction Subcommittee
  • Technology, Security & Innovation Subcommittee
  • Emergency Management Reimagined Task Force [ad hoc]

Additionally, FEMA was tasked by Congress to engage with non-federal experts on two subjects. The FEMA Administrator directed the NAC to oversee these activities. This request resulted in the Planning for Animal Wellness Work Group and the Preliminary Damage Assessment Advisory Panel. Find more information regarding the Congressional tasking for the Planning for Animal Wellness Act (PAW) and the Congressional passage of the Preliminary Damage Assessment Improvement Act.

Previously the NAC had other Congressionally mandated subcommittees.