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Tribal Consultation on FEMA's 2017 Tribal Declarations Guidance

FEMA invites Tribal Nations to attend a tribal consultation on the Tribal Declarations Guidance hosted by the National Congress of American Indians.
날짜: 11월 13, 2023
시간: 9:15 pm - 10:45 pm
위치: 현장
Ernest M. Morial Convention Center
Room 245
900 Convention Center Blvd.
New Orleans, LA, 70130
이벤트 세부 정보
FEMA will host an in-person tribal consultation with Tribal Nations to discuss the 2017 Tribal Declarations Guidance. The purpose of this consultation is to gather Tribal Nations' feedback on how to best improve the Presidential disaster declaration process to ensure that Tribal Nations can access FEMA resources during and after disasters in Indian Country. Senior leadership from FEMA's Office of Response and Recovery and the Office of Tribal Affairs will help facilitate the consultation.
Tribal Consultation Discussion Questions
What is the ideal tribal disaster declaration process for Indian Country?
What within the current Tribal Declarations Guidance should FEMA change?
What roadblocks have Tribal Nations encountered when working to request a federal disaster declaration?
이벤트 연락처
During the tribal consultation, FEMA will be prioritizing comments from Tribal Leaders and representatives of Tribal Nations.
Tribal Nations can submit their written comments and any questions via email with the subject line “Tribal Declarations Guidance – Written Comments” to