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Fiscal Year 2022 Intercity Passenger Rail Program Key Changes

Release Date:
5월 13, 2022

Intercity Passenger Rail Program provides funds to protect critical surface transportation infrastructure and the traveling public from acts of terrorism and increase the resilience of the Amtrak rail system. This funding plays an important role in the implementation of the National Preparedness System by supporting the building, sustainment and delivery of core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation.This document outlines key changes for the fiscal year (FY) 2022 IPR.

Key Changes

The National Priority Area of Addressing Emerging Threats is being removed. However, all activities previously allowable under that National Priority Area remain allowable under the program.

The two remaining National Priority Areas are Enhancing Cybersecurity, and Enhancing the Protection of Soft Targets and Crowded Places.
