개인 지원을 위한 리소스 라이브러리

팩트 시트

프로그램 및 정책 가이드

문서 라이브러리

이 자료 라이브러리는 FEMA의 개인 지원 프로그램을 이해하는 데 도움이 되는 정책, 지침 및 기타 자료에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.

참고: 일부 리소스는 영어로만 제공될 수 있습니다.

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재난 후 도움을 받는 방법에 대해 가장 많이 요청되는 FEMA의 팩트 시트입니다.

개인 지원 프로그램 및 정책 가이드

2021년 5월에 개인지원프로그램및정책가이드(IAPPG) 버전 1.1을 게시한 이후 몇 가지 변경 사항이 있었습니다.

Thumbnail of report cover.

이전 버전의 IAPPG 보기.

문서 라이브러리

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Individuals and Households Program - Factsheet

FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program (IHP) provides money and direct services to eligible individuals and households affected by disaster who have uninsured or underinsured necessary expenses and serious needs.

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Qualifying for Disaster Assistance: Citizenship and Immigration Status Flyer

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Quick Reference Guide Privately Owned Roads and Bridges

FEMA may provide money to repair a privately owned road or bridge damaged by a Presidentially declared disaster when it is the only way to reach your home.

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Quick Reference Guide Students Affected by Presidentially Declared Disasters

Students may receive assistance from FEMA for temporary housing and other uninsured or under-insured disaster-caused expenses and serious needs.

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Transitional Sheltering Assistance: FEMA Quick Reference Guide

Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) helps eligible survivors who applied for FEMA assistance by providing them with a safe, temporary place to stay, like a hotel or motel, until they can find a short or longer-term housing solution.

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Individuals and Households Program Other Needs Assistance Administrative Option Selection Form

FEMA Form FF-104-FY-21-114 (formerly FEMA Form 010-0-11). Instructions: This form must be completed and submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) by November 30 every year.

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FEMA Quick Reference Guides 2024

Comprehensive binder of all FEMA Quick Reference Guides

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Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program Alternatives for a Tribal Nation

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Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program for Emergency Declarations

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Serious Needs Assistance: FEMA Quick Reference Guide

Serious Needs Assistance helps survivors pay for pay for expenses related to a disaster, such as food, water, baby formula and other emergency supplies.

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