“Insights and Reflections” highlight the main takeaways from Resilience Exchange discussions and serve as valuable resources that can be shared and referenced for continued learning.
A Resilience Exchange took place on May 25, 2022. The Resilient Nation Partnership Network and the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) co-hosted. The topic of the panel was Tribal perspectives on resilience.
On June 29, 2022, the Resilient Nation Partnership Network, together with Arizona State University, the city of Phoenix and the University of Arizona, hosted an Ideation Hour exploring the many factors behind Extreme Heat Resilience. The virtual event included four breakout sessions: Extreme heat and housing; Extreme heat as a threat multiplier; Extreme heat as a public health hazard; and Extreme heat and local planning and capital improvement.
On Wednesday, April 27, four student panelists shared their unique perspectives on Adapting to Future Risk. During the event, established professionals learned about youthful, innovative ideas on natural hazard resilience and climate change.
On March 30, 2022, the RNPN hosted a Resilience Exchange on the connection between arts and adaptation. The gathering highlighted how art can create meaningful connections and encourage resilience projects.