When disasters strike, communities can lose everything. From homes and critical infrastructure systems to cultural identity, storms can dismantle both physical and social structures. However, if restored thoughtfully, resiliently, and inclusively, disasters can provide opportunities to rebuild long-lasting inclusivity in all areas of society.
A successful recovery relies on a well-coordinated management process, actively incorporating community input at each step and leveraging a whole community approach to achieve recovery outcomes that build long-lasting resilience. Incorporating community engagement throughout the recovery management cycle by identifying and tracking recovery issues for historically marginalized, disadvantaged, or underserved populations can help mitigate a disaster’s adverse impact on vulnerable communities.
When to use the guide:
- During the post-disaster recovery phase:
- To help communities build relationships.
- In holding conversations about equity.
- Prioritizing post-disaster recovery projects and resources to meet the needs of all members of the community.
- Enhancing planning in communities newly at risk of adverse outcomes from disasters.
Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning Guide for Tribal Governments
This planning guide provides a basic framework and guidance for tribal leaders as they plan for recovery while recognizing that different tribes have different levels of capacity and different ways of planning. The guide covers basic planning activities, recommended planning activities, and resources for Tribal Nations to develop recovery plans.
Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning Guide for Local Governments
This planning guide is designed to help local governments prepare for recovery by developing pre-disaster recovery plans that follow a process to engage members of the whole community, develop recovery capabilities across governmental and nongovernmental partners, and ultimately create an organizational framework for comprehensive local recovery efforts.
Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning Guide for State Governments
This planning guide was developed to support states as they play a critical role in leading and organizing recovery and supporting communities during their disaster recovery efforts. Disaster recovery is largely a locally driven, whole community process that enables local stakeholders to determine their community’s unique needs and goals for recovery and resilience. Pre-disaster planning at the State level positions the State to take a proactive stance for recovery prior to and after the disaster strikes. Developing a pre-disaster recovery plan equips States with the structure, process, roles and policies to be well-prepared to meet the unique recovery needs of each of their communities.
Achieving Equitable Recovery: A Post-Disaster Guide for Local Officials and Leaders
This planning guide shares a framework for local leaders to rebuild communities in an accessible and inclusive manner. Equitable recovery happens when the policies, practices, communications and distribution of resources are “impartial, fair, just and responsive to the needs of all impacted community members.” To support officials in achieving the goal of equitable recovery, the guide provides strategies, examples, and resources to help local officials achieve eight recovery-specific equity goals:
- Build equity into the recovery organizational and coordination structure.
- Identify unequal patterns of disaster exposure and impact.
- Develop a participatory planning process.
- Promote and protect equity throughout recovery.
- Adapt to the dynamic nature of recovery.
- Monitor progress.
- Build capacity.
- Overcome barriers and ensure fair recovery outcomes.