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Fire Prevention & Safety Grants - Research & Development

Applied Research Projects

R&D Awards

R&D Abstracts

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Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Research and Development (R&D) Activity is aimed at improving firefighter safety, health or well-being through research and development. The four project categories eligible for funding under this activity are:

1.            Clinical Studies;

2.            Technology and Product Development;

3.            Preliminary Studies; and,

4.            Early Career Investigator.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to seek partnerships with fire departments and fire service organizations that will support the ongoing project efforts from design through dissemination and implementation.

The emphasis of this program is on research that will yield results that can be readily applied to improve firefighter safety, health, and well-being. R&D Grants have been awarded since 2005.

Port of Seattle Fire Department Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting live fire training. Photo provided by Chief Randy Krause. The Seattle Fire Department was a partner on the FEMA R&D funded project to evaluate PFAS exposures and toxicity from multiple sources (EMW-2018-FP-00086).

Firefighter Research Results 2022-2023

FEMA made nine awards under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 FP&S R&D Grant Program, for a total of $8,671,722. This report is based on results from each of the FY 2018 grants awarded in 2019 and completed in 2022 and 2023.

Analysis of data and dissemination of results may continue after the end of the award period of performance. Therefore, additional results of interest to the fire service may be available at meetings, in publications, and through on-line podcasts published after this report.

View the 2018 Report

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View the 2017 Report

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View the 2016 Report

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View the 2015 Report

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Applied Research Projects

Clinical Studies

The R&D Clinical Studies category includes projects that address behavioral, social science, and cultural research as well as physiological and medical research activities. Such studies must address the relevant aspects of reducing fatal and non-fatal injuries among firefighters and, where possible, have rigorous design that permits attribution of results to the intervention. In addition to being relevant and rigorous, each study should target the appropriate level of investigation based on the state of the science.

At the most basic level, the project might be foundational, such as investigating the underlying risk and protective factors associated with certain injury outcomes. These may include the following:

  • Individual level characteristics;
  • Departmental/organizational policies;
  • Firefighter behavioral practices and norms; and,
  • Environmental factors.

Where evidence exists to progress to more applied research, the project should emphasize intervention development and testing for effectiveness, including in the field setting. For instance, if certain tests in clinical care settings are known to identify those at risk for cardiovascular events, then the project may focus on modification, if necessary, and implementation of such tests in fire service settings. To ensure rigor, the project’s design would use a randomized control trial, with comparison to usual care. Inclusion of a cost-effectiveness analysis is strongly encouraged.

Where the effectiveness of an intervention has been established in the field setting, the final level of project aims to facilitate adoption of the research results in the fire service by conducting dissemination and implementation research. Such a study may investigate the impact of strategies for widespread implementation with fidelity. Credible evidence of effectiveness is defined as positive results from systematic and rigorous study, and the absence of negative results or side effects.

Technology and Product Development

The Technology and Product Development category includes projects that result in outcomes that can enhance safety of firefighter activities. Firefighter safety can be improved through greater understanding of fire phenomena inside and outside structures, and the development of products to enhance firefighter situational awareness and effectiveness. Projects can develop new technology or adapt existing products and technology to new uses.

Projects shall address the safety of firefighters for all types of responses including residential, commercial, industrial, and wildland fires. Technology and product development projects can address fire and firefighting hazards by making use of technology transfer opportunities in which existing technologies can be adapted to enhance firefighter safety.

As the intention of the R&D Activity is to deliver outcomes that are likely to be implemented nationally by the fire service, inclusion of a cost-effectiveness analysis is encouraged.

Technology and product development projects need to assess the ultimate practicality of deployment and use of the results by the fire service. In selecting local fire department and national fire service organization partners, consideration should be given to the capabilities of the partners to assist in the evaluation of the project outcomes.

Preliminary Studies

Project ideas may require information, evidence and, experimentation; and study to justify a larger and complete project that can impact firefighter safety, health; or well-being. Preliminary studies may be proposed to obtain enough evidence to justify a future larger study. Preliminary studies, while narrower in scope and typically of a short duration, must have the same high levels of scientific rigor and relevance to the fire service as studies in other R&D Activity categories. The successful completion of a preliminary study does not result in special priority for the larger follow-on proposal submitted in a subsequent application period. The level of funding requested should be proportionate to the limited goal and purpose of the preliminary effort.

Early Career Investigator

This category is defined by the qualifications of the principal investigator (PI) and includes all types of research projects to improve firefighter safety, health, and well-being. This category is reserved for projects led by a PI who received a terminal academic degree (a doctoral level, professional level, or equivalent advanced level research degree) or ended post-graduate training (such as a post-doctoral fellowship or residency, whichever date is later) within 10 years of the opening date of the application period and who has not been a PI on a previous FP&S Program award. Projects that are affiliated with larger ongoing fire service research efforts are encouraged. The applicant’s institution must be the sponsoring institution, as individuals are not eligible to receive an award under this program. All projects must also have at least one fire service partner. These projects are limited to a maximum $600,000 federal share.

Research and Development Grants Awarded Fiscal Years 2005 - 2023

Fiscal YearTotal Number of AwardsTotal Federal Funds Awarded

Connect With Us

If you have questions about clinical projects, please contact Dr. Susie Day.

If you have any questions about technology and product development projects, please contact Dr. Dave Evans.

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