
復興支援活動のあらゆるレベルに影響を与える個別支援(IA)のトピックに焦点を当てたウェビナーをご覧ください。 このセッションは、FEMA本部と地域のIAスタッフ、および州や非政府組織の代表者が協力して行います。 

Upcoming Webinars

There are no upcoming webinars at this time.

Recordings From Previous Webinars

All sessions were recorded. If the recording is not available yet in the links below, check back soon.

During this virtual symposium, we introduced the new IA leadership team for FEMA Individual Assistance (IA) , discussed IA’s vision, successes, and priorities, as well as reviewed current housing and survivor experience initiatives.
During this virtual symposium, FEMA Individual Assistance (IA) discussed what to know for Hurricane Season 2022.
During this virtual symposium, FEMA Individual Assistance (IA) discussed IA Declaration Factors and IA Preliminary Damage Assessments.