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Mientras los residentes de Florida reconstruyen, los sobrevivientes de los huracanes Milton, Helene y Debby pueden obtener consejos gratuitos sobre cómo reconstruir de una manera más fuerte y segura contra las tormentas. Los especialistas en mitigación de la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés) estarán disponibles para responder preguntas y ofrecer consejos gratuitos sobre mejoras al hogar y métodos comprobados para prevenir y disminuir los daños de desastres en el futuro. Esta información está orientada a los contratistas generales y personas que hacen los trabajos por su cuenta.
Nòt Laprès
As Floridians rebuild, survivors of Hurricanes Milton, Helene and Debby can get free advice on how to rebuild stronger and safer against storms. FEMA mitigation specialists will be available to answer questions and offer free home improvement tips and proven methods to prevent and lessen damage from future disasters. This information is geared for do-it-yourself work and general contractors.
Nòt Laprès
CHICAGO – Through the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program, FEMA has awarded $1.9 million to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). The funds will be used to support the development and implementation of initiatives aimed at enhancing building code compliance across the state, including assessing the needs of local governments and building inspectors, developing educational materials on building code updates and delivering training and outreach programs.
Nòt Laprès
FEMA, the state of Michigan and Berrien County community officials invite residents to join the Open House in Benton Harbor on Thursday, November 14. At this event, FEMA will answer questions from residents about flood risk and flood insurance after the release of preliminary flood maps.
FEMA Event
FEMA has approved $1.2 million to help the city of Spanish Fork repair its water pipeline and damaged embankments. The funding is part of a major disaster declaration by President Biden issued in response to the Spanish Fork River flooding in 2023.
Nòt Laprès