HMA Table 7

Table 7: Environmental and Historic Preservation Checklist

Table 7: Environmental and Historic Preservation Checklist

  Environmental Regulation or Statute Yes No
  National Historic Preservation Act    
1.A Would the proposed project affect, or is the proposed project near, any buildings or structures 45 years or more in age?    
1.B Will the proposed project involve disturbance of ground?    
  Endangered Species Act    
2.A Are federally listed or endangered species, or their critical habitat, present in or near the project area and, if so, which species are present?    
2.B Will the proposed project remove or affect vegetation?    
2.C Is the proposed project in, near (within 200 feet), or likely to affect any type of waterbody or body of water?    
  Clean Water Act and Rivers and Harbors Act    
3.A Will the proposed project involve dredging or the disposal of dredged material, excavation, the addition of fill material, or result in any modification to water bodies or wetlands designated as “waters of the United States” as identified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or any water bodies or wetlands in the National Wetland Inventory?    
  Executive Order 11988 (Protection of Floodplains) and Executive Order 11990 (Protection of Wetlands)    
4.A Does a Flood Insurance Rate Map, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, hydrological study or some other source indicate that the project is located in or will affect a 1-percent annual chance floodplain, a 0.2-percent annual chance floodplain (if a critical action), an identified regulatory floodway or an area prone to flooding?    
4.B Is the proposed project located in, or will it affect, a wetland as listed in the National Wetland Inventory?    
4.C Will the proposed project alter a watercourse, water flow patterns, or a drainage way, regardless of its floodplain designation?    
4.D Is the proposed project located in, or will it affect, a floodplain or wetland? If yes, the eight-step process summarized in HMA job aids must be completed.    
  Coastal Zone Management Act and Coastal Barrier Resources Act    
5.A Is the proposed project located in the state’s designated coastal zone?    
5.B Is the proposed project located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System Unit or Otherwise Protected Area?    
  Farmland Protection Policy Act    
6.A Will the proposed project convert more than five acres of “prime or unique” farmland outside city limits to a non-agricultural use?    
  Resource Conservation Recovery Act and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
7.A Is there reason to suspect there are contaminants from a current or past use on the property associated with the proposed project?    
7.B Are there are any studies, investigations or enforcement actions related to the property associated with the proposed project?    
7.C Will any project construction or operation activities involve the use of hazardous or toxic materials?    
7.D Are any of the current or past land uses of the property associated with the proposed project or are any of the adjacent properties associated with hazardous or toxic materials?    
  Executive Order 12898 (Environmental Justice for Low Income and Minority Populations)
8.A Are there any low-income or minority populations in the project’s area of effect or adjacent to the project area?    
  Other Environmental/Historic Preservation Laws (Including Applicable State Laws) or Issues
9.A Are other environmental/historic preservation requirements associated with this project?    
9.B Are any controversial issues associated with this project?    
9.C Have any public meetings been conducted, or public comment solicited, on the proposed project?    
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