HMA Monitoring and Closeout Guidance

The purpose of these Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Grant Closeout Field Guides and Closeout Checklists are to provide all FEMA staff, recipients, and subrecipients with a consistent process for the closeout of HMA mitigation activities. The field guides and checklists have been designed as a reference tool to explain the roles and processes needed to implement grant closeout activities for non-disaster and post-disaster HMA grants funded after the publication of the 2015 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance. The field guides and checklists are applicable to all five HMA grant programs: 

  • Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)
  • Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program
  • Flood Mitigation Assistance
  • Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL)
  • Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC)
  • Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Program
  • Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
  • HMGP Post Fire

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Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Monitoring Field Guide

Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Closeout Field Guide

Acquisition/Demolition/Relocation Closeout Checklist

Provides a checklist of required closeout documentation, a list of steps taken by FEMA during the closeout process, and a list of actions for recipients and for subrecipients to take to closeout acquisition/demolition/relocation mitigation activities.

Community/Residential Safe Room Closeout Checklist

Provides a checklist of required closeout documentation, a list of steps taken by FEMA during the closeout process, and a list of actions for recipients and for subrecipients to take to closeout safe room mitigation activities.

Flood Risk Reduction Closeout Checklist

Provides checklists of required closeout documentation, steps taken by FEMA during the closeout process, and actions for recipients and for subrecipients to take to closeout flood risk reduction mitigation activities.

Generator Closeout Checklist

Provides a checklist of required closeout documentation, a list of steps taken by FEMA during the closeout process, and a list of actions for recipients and for subrecipients to take to closeout generator mitigation activities.

Mitigation Reconstruction Closeout Checklist

Provides a checklist of required closeout documentation, a list of steps taken by FEMA during the closeout process, and a list of actions for recipients and for subrecipients to take to closeout mitigation reconstruction activities.

Non-Residential Floodproofing Closeout Checklist

Provides the definition of floodproofing, examples of passive versus active floodproofing measures, a checklist of required closeout documentation, a list of steps taken by FEMA during the closeout process, and a list of actions for recipients and for subrecipients to take to closeout non-residential floodproofing mitigation activities.

Planning Closeout Checklist

Provides a checklist of required closeout documentation, a list of steps taken by FEMA during the closeout process, and a list of actions for recipients and for subrecipients to take to closeout planning mitigation activities.

Structure Elevation in the Special Flood Hazard Area Closeout Checklist

Provides the definition of structure elevation and elevation methods, a checklist of required closeout documentation, a list of steps taken by FEMA during the closeout process, and a list of actions for recipients and for subrecipients to take to closeout structure elevation mitigation activities.

Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Refuge Closeout Checklist

Provides a description of a vertical evacuation refuge and design standards that must be met for the refuge, a checklist of required closeout documentation, a list of steps taken by FEMA during the closeout process, and a list of actions for recipients and for subrecipients to take to closeout tsunami vertical evacuation refuge mitigation activities.

Wind Retrofit Closeout Checklist

Provides the definition and purpose of wind retrofits, examples of wind retrofit projects, a checklist of required closeout documentation, a list of steps taken by FEMA during the closeout process, and a list of actions for recipients and for subrecipients to take to closeout wind retrofit mitigation activities.

Wildfire Closeout Checklist

Provides examples and brief descriptions of wildfire mitigation projects, a checklist of required closeout documentation, a list of steps taken by FEMA during the closeout process, and a list of actions for recipients and for subrecipients to take to closeout wildfire mitigation activities.

Warning System Closeout Checklist

Provides the definition and examples of warning systems projects, a checklist of required closeout documentation, a list of steps taken by FEMA during the closeout process, and a list of actions for recipients and for subrecipients to take to closeout warning system mitigation activities.

Last updated