A community without a Flood Insurance Rate Map enters the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) as an Emergency Program Community. Once a detailed engineering study is completed for the community and a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) issued, the community is brought into the Regular Program of the NFIP. The community is required to adopt or amend its floodplain management regulations to incorporate the new flood data on the FIRM. Under the Regular Program, higher amounts of flood insurance coverage are provided than under the Emergency Program and new construction is charged actuarial rates for flood insurance that fully reflect the building's risk of flooding.
Some communities are brought into the regular program as minimally floodprone communities or if no special flood hazard areas have been identified within the community. Minimally floodprone communities generally have only a minimal flood hazard and limited potential for floodplain development. These communities are issued a FIRM with special flood hazard areas designated, but no BFEs are provided. No special flood hazard area communities have no readily identifiable source of flooding or only a small flood hazard. These communities do not have a FIRM and are regarded as all Zone X for flood insurance purposes. No special flood hazard area communities are not required to adopt floodplain management ordinances.
National Flood Insurance Program Requirements
- 59.1 - Definition
- 59.2 - Description