CONNECTICUT OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER IS REIMBURSED MORE THAN $2.1 MILLION FOR COVID-19 TESTING [] Release Date: juin 3, 2021 REGION 1 – FEMA announced a $2,152,253 grant to the Connecticut Office of the State Comptroller for COVID-19 testing. The action was one of many the state took in its emergency response to coronavirus last year. The Office of the State Comptroller’s Healthcare Policy & Benefit Services Division administers benefits programs for all state employees, retirees and their families. Its medical, dental and pharmacy programs cover more than 200,000 people. Employees and other groups were tested for COVID-19, and the state agency paid those costs. This grant is funded through FEMA’s Public Assistance Program, which reimburses eligible applicants for actions taken in the immediate response to and during recovery from a major disaster. Eligible applicants include states, commonwealths, localities, certain types of private non-profit organizations, federally recognized Tribes and territories. Additional information about the program is at FEMA is providing a 100% federal cost share of eligible expenses for this Public Assistance project. It is for eligible expenses submitted from April 15 through June 23. “Timely, accurate testing early on was critical to ensuring individuals across our nation received the medical care necessary to treat this virus, while helping to stop its spread to others,” said Acting Region 1 Administrator and Federal Coordinating Officer Paul Ford, who oversees FEMA’s operations in New England. “Ramping up COVID-19 testing was a key goal for FEMA and the State of Connecticut, and we owe the Office of the State Comptroller a huge debt of gratitude for its efforts.” As of June 2, FEMA obligated $511.2 million related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Connecticut. ### _FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters_