DHS AND HHS CIVIL RIGHTS STAKEHOLDER TELECONFERENCE RE COVID-19 [https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20250121/dhs-and-hhs-civil-rights-stakeholder-teleconference-re-covid-19] Release Date: Avril 30, 2020 FEMA’s Office of Equal Rights will continue hosting regular teleconferences concerning the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) response, to share information and to respond to civil rights-related concerns and questions. OER will be joined by FEMA’s Office of Disability Integration and Coordination (ODIC), the DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR). DHS and HHS will address concerns and answer questions from our civil rights stakeholders. In order to ensure this call is as valuable as we can make it, we are requesting questions in advance. We want to make sure we get to as many questions as possible; we also want to ensure the right staff are on the call, based on questions posed. Please submit civil rights related questions to be addressed by DHS and HHS no later than close of business Friday, May 1, 2020, to this email address: FEMA-CivilRightsOffice@fema.dhs.gov. Please keep questions focused on COVID-19 response. There will also be an opportunity to take questions from participants. FEMA PARTICIPANTS * Jo Linda Johnson, Director, FEMA OER, and other OER staff * FEMA programmatic staff, as needed based on questions * Linda Mastandrea, Director, FEMA ODIC DHS CRCL PARTICIPANT * Victoria Porto, Director of Programs, DHS CRCL HHS PARTICIPANTS * Roger Severino, Director, HHS OCR, and other OCR staff * Other HHS staff, as needed based on questions WHEN WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 2020, 2:00-3:30PM (EASTERN). Please call in 10 minutes prior to the start time. WHERE Teleconference information: 888-378-4398 Participant Passcode: 201636# When you enter the Passcode, you will be asked to state your name; to skip this step, press #. There will be 1,500 lines available. Captioning link: https://www.captionedtext.com/client/event.aspx?EventID=4437873&CustomerID=321