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Region 8 FEMA 2022-2026 National Tribal Strategy Feedback Session

This feedback session is intended to provide information and gather input from Tribal Nations on FEMA’s draft 2022-2026 National Tribal Strategy.
Date: Avril 7, 2022
Heure: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Emplacement: Virtuel
Meeting ID:161 838 8432
Passcode: 778952
Call-in: 669-254-5252; 646-828-7666
Détails de l’évènement
FEMA drafted the “2022-2026 National Tribal Strategy” and is seeking feedback from federally recognized Tribal Nations. The Strategy establishes a process to improve and guide FEMA support to Tribal Nations in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disasters. This effort strengthens nation-to-nation relationships and serves as a roadmap for working with Tribal Nations.
FEMA staff will provide an overview of the National Tribal Strategy and seek tribal review and input.
Written Comments
Questions and written comments may be directed to Tribal Affairs by email until April 11, 2022.
HQ/Regional Facilitators
Bambi Kraus, HQ, National Tribal Affairs Advisor
Carol Garcia & Cathy Bachhuber, R8, Tribal Liaisons