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Hazard Mitigation Funding Now Available

The growing threat of climate change brings more severe weather and disasters. The best way to protect our nation from these threats is to build resilience in our communities. This is the focus of FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant program. The program provides the funds communities need to implement projects that reduce the impact of climate change, such as wildfires, drought, coastal erosion and increased flooding.

On Aug. 5, President Biden approved $3.46 billion in funds for these grants. The funding will help communities prioritize mitigation needs to help address the effects of climate change and increase disaster resilience. Additionally, the grants allow the private sector to work with the public sector to address unmet needs and help promote equitable outcomes in underserved communities.

These hazard mitigation funds are available for the 59 major disaster declarations issued as part of the COVID-19 pandemic response. State, tribal and territorial governments across the country are able to apply for these grants.

For examples of innovative mitigation projects that help achieve effective hazard mitigation and disaster resilience you can check out the FEMA’s Mitigation Action Portfolio.

Mitigation projects can include:

  • The use of nature-based features, such as storm water parks, living shorelines, and land conservation to reduce coastal erosion or increased flooding.
  • The creation of buffers to decrease spread and absorb impacts of approaching wildfires using fire resistant construction materials.
  • Relocating critical utilities outside of high-risk areas.

Throughout the month, FEMA is hosting a series of webinars about mitigation projects, planning and an overview on how your community can apply for Hazard Mitigation Assistance.

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