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Florida Hurricane Sally
Période de l’incident: Sep 14, 2020 - Sep 28, 2020
Date de déclaration: Sep 23, 2020
Liens rapides
- Ressources de récupération: État et Local | Nationale
- Connectez-vous: Réseaux sociaux | Application mobile et texte
- Conseil 24/7: Ligne d’assistance en cas de catastrophe
En savoir plus sur cette catastrophe
Ressources locales
Local Information
Actualités et médias locaux
Visitez la page Actualités et médias pour les événements, les fiches d'information, les communiqués de presse et d'autres ressources multimédias.
Additional Resources
- Florida State and Local Referral
- National Referral
- Visit the Florida state page for more localized information
Hurricane Sally Florida Recovery Resources & Information Portal
After the immediate response to a disaster, the focus of disaster operations shifts to recovery. FEMA Interagency Recovery Coordination (IRC) helps communities plan long-term recovery and provides resources to help them build capacity.
Recovery after a disaster presents complex challenges that require coordination among federal, state, local, private and non-governmental partners. IRC helps communities develop strategies to recover from the economic, social and other impacts of Hurricane Sally.
IRC has developed the Hurricane Sally IRC Recovery Resources & Information Portal for important updates and guidance, grant opportunities, fast-track webinars, resources, links and much more. To access the portal, please sign in as a guest here:
Click here to be added to the IRC Hurricane Sally email list. Click here to be removed from this email list.
How to check status of your FEMA application
Survivors in Bay, Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton counties who registered with FEMA can check the status of their applications, ask questions and get information in several ways:
- By visiting
- Using the FEMA App for mobile devices
- Calling 800-621-3362 (800-462-7585 TTY). Multilingual operators are available. Those who use a relay service such as a videophone, InnoCaption or CapTel should provide FEMA with their specific phone number assigned to that service.
Individuals and households that have registered with FEMA may check the status of their application and upload documents on
FEMA Public Assistance (PA)
Under the major disaster declaration, FEMA is authorized to provide Public Assistance for debris removal, emergency measures and the repair or replacement of disaster-damaged public facilities such as roads and bridges, water control facilities, buildings and equipment, utilities and parks for the following counties:
- Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Liberty, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton and Washington.
For guidance on debris removal processes, residents should contact their local government.
- Florida 211: The call goes to local helpline call centers that have counselors for disaster recovery and can provide information on access to local resources such as housing, food and health care. Dial: 211
- Florida Division of Consumer Services provides information for residents with insurance questions:
- Florida Department of Businesses and Professional Regulation (DBPR) offers tips for hurricane recovery at
- DBPR tips for avoiding unlicensed contractors following a storm:
- Disaster Legal Services provides free legal help to low-income Hurricane Sally survivors with disaster-related legal needs. Call 866-550-2929.
For more information about Hurricane Sally recovery in Florida, visit the FEMA disaster webpage at or the Florida Division of Emergency Management webpage at
Disaster recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, disability, English proficiency or economic status. Civil rights complaints in connection with FEMA-funded activities may be submitted by mail to FEMA Office of Equal Rights, C Street SW, Room 4SW-0915, Washington, DC 20472-3505, by email to, or by calling 833-285-7448 (TTY 800-462-7585).
- The State of Florida and FEMA remind residents planning to rebuild after Hurricane Sally to consult with their community’s building or planning department first to see if permits are necessary before work can start. Do not rely solely on the contractor’s opinion as to whether permits are required. To find local building contacts, go to if you live in a municipality or if you live in an unincorporated area.
- Contractors should be licensed and insured. The State of Florida provides residents the ability to look up contractor licensing information online at
- For a video on making your roof wind-resistant, go to
Recovery will take many years after a disaster. Cash is the best way to help those in need.
Find a reputable organization through the National Voluntary Organizations Active in a Disaster (NVOAD) website.
Doing Business With FEMA
If you are interested in providing paid services and goods for Hurricane Sally relief, follow the steps on our Doing Business with FEMA page to get started.
After you register
After you apply for federal disaster assistance, it is important that FEMA be able to contact you. Be aware that phone calls from FEMA may appear to come from unidentified numbers and make sure that FEMA has your current contact information. FEMA may call to obtain more information for your application or to conduct a remote home inspection in order to be able to continue processing your application.
Applicants for FEMA assistance will receive a letter from FEMA by mail or email. It is important to read it carefully because it will include the amount of any assistance FEMA may provide to you and information on the appropriate use of disaster assistance funds. You may need to submit additional information for FEMA to continue to process your application. If you have questions about the letter, go online to or call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 or 800-462-7585 (TTY).
After you apply for disaster assistance from FEMA, you may be referred to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). It is important to submit a disaster loan application as soon as possible. If your application is approved, you are not obligated to accept an SBA loan. But failure to return the application will disqualify you from other possible FEMA assistance, such as disaster-related car repairs, clothing, household items and other expenses.
Help After A Disaster
I Applied For Assistance. What's Next?
You will receive notification letters from FEMA either by U.S. mail or by electronic correspondence. You may need to verify your identity or complete a home inspection.
Learn About the Steps After Applying | Steps To Start Your Recovery Process
"Help After a Disaster" Brochures
Translated into 27 languages, the "Help After a Disaster" brochure is a tool that can be shared in your community to help people understand the types of FEMA Individual Assistance support that may be available in disaster recovery.
Determination Letter
Read the determination letter carefully to identify the reason for being declared ineligible.
Determination/Appeals | Myth/Facts
News and Information In Other Languages
Comment aider
Faire du bénévolat et faire un don
Le rétablissement peut prendre de nombreuses années après une catastrophe. Il existe de nombreuses façons d'aider, comme donner de l'argent, des articles nécessaires ou de votre temps. En savoir plus sur la manière d'aider les personnes dans le besoin.
Ne vous déployez pas dans les zones sinistrées. Les organisations de confiance présentes dans les zones touchées savent où l'on a besoin de volontaires. Travaillez avec une organisation établie pour vous assurer que vous disposez de la sécurité, de la formation et des compétences nécessaires pour intervenir.
Faire des affaires avec la FEMA
Si vous souhaitez fournir des services et des biens rémunérés pour l'aide aux victimes de catastrophes, visitez notre site web Page "Faire des affaires avec la FEMA pour commencer.
Si vous possédez une entreprise spécialisée dans l'enlèvement des débris et que vous souhaitez participer aux efforts de nettoyage dans les zones touchées, veuillez contacter les autorités locales de ces zones pour leur proposer vos services.
Obligations de financement
Aide individuelle | Amount |
Aide totale au logement (AP) - en dollars approuvés | $29,679,108.25 |
Total des autres besoins d'aide (ONA) - Dollars approuvés | $8,008,958.02 |
Total des dollars du programme pour les particuliers et les ménages approuvés | $37,688,066.27 |
Demandes d'aide individuelle approuvées | 8558 |
Assistance publique | Amount |
Travaux d'urgence (Catégories A-B) - Dollars engagés | $112,132,402.68 |
Travail permanent (Catégories C-G) – Dollars engagés | $62,745,415.73 |
Total en dollars des subventions d'aide publique engagées | $183,711,271.32 |
Hazard Mitigation Assistance | Amount |
Programme de subventions pour l'atténuation des risques (HMGP) - Dollars engagés | $41,333,375.55 |