#SummerReady Extreme Heat Summit

In coordination with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), this summit is part of FEMA’s #SummerReady campaign, focusing on actions state, local, tribal, territorial leaders can take to reduce the effects of extreme temperatures.
Date: April 26, 2024
Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Location: Virtual
Event Details
Join us for the second annual #SummerReady Extreme Heat Summit. This year's summit brings together public, private, and academic sector leaders from across the nation to further explore extreme heat impacts and define actionable ways to combat and prepare for these increasing risks across the country.
Presentations and paneled discussions will be led by subject matter experts, federal partners, local emergency managers, and climate resilience practitioners. The purpose of this event is to convene frontline voices in emergency management and resilience for an inside look on ways to address current-day and future challenges. Panelist will present real-life actionable steps and provide resources to help individual and community preparedness and resilience to combat extreme heat.
Captioning and ASL interpretation will be available.
Speakers & Panelists

- Dr. John Balbus, Director, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity, Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR)
- Kazuhiko (Kaz) Ito, Senior Environmental Epidemiologist, Bureau of Environmental Surveillance, New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
- Eugene Livar, Assistant Director, Public Health Preparedness Arizona Department of Health Services
- Raed Mansour, Director of Environmental Innovation, Chicago Department of Public Health
- Captain Sara Newman, Director, Office of Public Health, National Park Service (NPS)
- Dr. Denise Smith, Director, National Fire Research and Data Center, United States Fire Administration (USFA)
- Brigid Shea, Commissioner, Texas Travis County