Planning for a Changing Climate

FEMA Region 3 Coffee Break Webinar

Climate change is increasing the intensity and frequency of impacts from natural hazards across the globe. Yet, it also creates chances for all of us to work more closely together and integrate planning efforts, locally, regionally, and city and state-wide. This approach fosters larger systems-wide thinking. It can help combine shared strategies and goals and lead to mitigation projects with multiple benefits.

Date: July 24, 2024

Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Location: Virtual

Event Details

Climate change is increasing the intensity and frequency of impacts from natural hazards across the globe. Yet, it also creates chances for all of us to work more closely together and integrate planning efforts, locally, regionally, and city and state-wide. This approach fosters larger systems-wide thinking. It can help combine shared strategies and goals and lead to mitigation projects with multiple benefits.


Join us to be inspired by several innovative organizations. Learn how they are connecting the dots in their communities and scaling up mitigation efforts to adapt to a rapidly changing climate.  

  • Trust for Public Land
  • Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
  • Green Schoolyards America
  • City of Richmond
Last updated