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Region 1 Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Workshop


Hazard Mitigation planning partners from all over New England are invited to join this free FEMA Region 1 workshop!

Fecha: 3 de octubre de 2022 - 4 de octubre de 2022

Hora: 5:30 am - 8:30 am

Ubicación: Virtual

Detalles del Evento

Join us Monday, October 3rd & Tuesday, October 4th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ET.

Over these two half days you'll learn about:

  • Developing new or updated local mitigation plans.
  • FEMA’s updated Local and State Mitigation Planning Policy Guides (effective April 2023).
  • The essentials of the hazard mitigation planning process.
  • How to use the best data sources.
  • The plan review and approval process.
  • Implementing and maintaining an approved plan.
  • Integrating mitigation into other planning activities.

Learn from each other and exchange ideas during interactive breakout rooms.

Contacto del evento

Nan Johnson
Senior Community Planner | FEMA Region 1
(617) 378-8024