Registro de tarifas de equipos

alert - warning

El período del incidente por COVID-19 concluyó el 11 de mayo de 2023. FEMA continuará proveyendo asistencia para gastos fúnebres hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2025 para las personas que perdieron a seres queridos debido a esta pandemia.

Las tarifas en este registro de tarifas de equipos son para los equipos propiedad del solicitante que estén en buenas condiciones mecánicas, completos y con todos los accesorios requeridos. Cada tarifa cubre todos los costos elegibles bajo la Ley Robert T. Stafford de Ayuda en Desastres y Asistencia en Emergencias, 42 U.S.C. § 5121, et seq., de propiedad y operación del equipo, que incluyen la depreciación, los gastos generales, todo el mantenimiento, las reparaciones de campo, el combustible, los lubricantes, los neumáticos, el equipo de Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (OSHA, por sus siglas en inglés) y otros costos relacionados con la operación. Los costos del equipo inactivo no son elegibles.

Para que el reembolso sea elegible, el equipo debe estar en funcionamiento real ejecutando el trabajo elegible. Los costos de mano de obra del operador no están incluidos en las tarifas y deben aprobarse por separado de los costos del equipo.

La información sobre el uso del Registro está contenida en la 44 CFR § 206.228, Costos permitidos. FEMA proveerá las tarifas de los equipos que no figuran en la lista cuando se soliciten. Cualquier apelación se hará de acuerdo con la 44 CFR § 206.206, Apelaciones.

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Tarifas de 2017
Tarifas de 2019

Buscar el Registro de Tarifas de Equipos de 2021

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Estas tarifas son aplicables a desastres y emergencias mayores declaradas por el presidente a partir del 15 de septiembre de 2021.

Descargar el Registro de Tarifas de Equipos de 2021

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Cost Code Equipment Specifications Capacity or Size HP Notes Unit 2021 Rate
8010 Air Compressor Air Delivery 41 CFM to 10 Hoses included. hour $1.31
8011 Air Compressor Air Delivery 103 CFM to 30 Hoses included. hour $9.67
8012 Air Compressor Air Delivery 130 CFM to 50 Hoses included. hour $11.50
8013 Air Compressor Air Delivery 175 CFM to 90 Hoses included. hour $18.65
8014 Air Compressor Air Delivery 400 CFM to 145 Hoses included. hour $36.88
8015 Air Compressor Air Delivery 575 CFM to 230 Hoses included. hour $56.30
8016 Air Compressor Air Delivery 1100 CFM to 355 Hoses included. hour $100.54
8017 Air Compressor Air Delivery 1600 CFM to 500 Hoses included. hour $103.33
8040 Ambulance to 150 hour $28.48
8041 Ambulance to 210 hour $41.76
8050 Board, Arrow to 8 Trailer Mounted. hour $5.65
8051 Gasoline Powered Message Board, to 5 Trailer Mounted. hour $11.39
8052 Solar Powered Arrow/Message Board SMC 5000 Mast-Mini  Mini Matrix Board, Smaller 3' x 6' Display hour $4.00
8053 Solar Powered Message Board PCMS-1500 Full Matrix Board, Display hour $5.10
8060 Auger, Portable Hole Diameter 16 In to 6 hour $1.95
8061 Auger, Portable Hole Diameter 18 In to 13 hour $4.34
8062 Auger, Tractor Mounted Max. Auger Diameter 36 In to 13 Includes digger, boom & mounting hardware hour $3.29
8063 Auger, Truck Mounted Max. Auger Size 24 In to 100 Includes digger, boom & mounting hardware and Tractor rate. hour $35.68
8064 Hydraulic Sign Post Driver Greenlee; HPD-HV-U W/ 13 Hp power unit, 2ksi preasure 13 w/Double Hose Assembly hour $5.69
8064-1 Hydraulic Sign Post Driver Drophammar (D) 8" x 8" x 10"' to 100 Guard Rail Post hour $35.27
8065 Auger Horizontal Directional Boring Machine 250 X 100 300 DD-140B YR-2003 hour $241.89
8066 Auger Horizontal Directional Boring Machine 50 X 100 24 Average to 7,000 lbs hour $34.30
8067 Auger, Directional Boring Machine Auger, Directional Boring Machine 7,000 - 10,000 lbs 45 JT920L (2013) hour $43.80
8067-1 Directional Boring Machine Vermeer D24X40A (disc. 2001) Spindle Torque 4000 ft/lb 125 hour $93.30
8068 Bush Hog Bush Hog - Model 326 Single Spindle Rotary Cutters hour $20.90
8068-1 Bush Hog Bush Hog - Model 3210 Lift, Pull, Semi-Mount & Offset Model hour $29.14
8068-2 Bush Hog Bush Hog - Model 2815 Flex Wing Rotary Cutters hour $43.77
8070 Automobile to 130 Transporting people. mile $0.56
8071 Automobile to 130 Transporting cargo. hour $12.60
8072 Automobile, Police to 250 Patrolling. mile $0.56
8073 Automobile, Police to 250 Stationary with engine running. hour $16.27
8074 Automobile, Police Ford Explorer 210 hour $18.75
8075 Motorcycle, Police mile $0.52
8076 Automibile - Chevy Trailblazer 6 or 8 cl 285 to 300 hour $20.77
8077 Automobile - Ford Expedition Fire Command Center EcoBoost V-6 360 2015 Model hour $19.97
8078 MRAP Armored Rescue Vehicle Search and Rescue Military Surplus Vehicle 375-450 Qualified foe operational rate on hour $52.53
8079 MRAP C-MTV Multi-Theater (Military Surplus)Vehicle gvwr 55000 Lbs to 350 Qualified foe operational rate on hour $49.03
8079-1 MRPA with 6-Tires 300 hour $53.00
8079-2 MRAP- BAE CAIMAN II Model Police Armored Rescue/SWAT Team Vehicle 320 hour $54.00
8080 All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Engine 110cc, 4-Wheel; 20" tyre 6.5-7.5 hour $8.35
8081 All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Engine 125cc, 4-Wheel; 21" tyre 7.6-8.6 hour $8.79
8082 All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Engine 150cc, 4-Wheel; 22" tyre 9.0-10.0 hour $8.80
8083 All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Engine 200cc, 4-Wheel; 24" tyre 12-14.0 hour $9.36
8084 All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Engine 250cc, 4-Wheel; 24" tyre 15-17 hour $9.95
8085 All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Engine 300cc, 4-Wheel; 24" tyre 18-20 hour $10.81
8086 All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Engine 400cc. 4-Wheel; 25" tyre 26-28 hour $12.37
8087 All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Engine 450cc, 4-Wheel; 25" tyre 26-28 hour $13.25
8088 All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Engine 650cc, 4-Wheel; 25" tyre 38-40 hour $14.05
8089 All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Engine 750cc, 4-Wheel; 25" tyre 44-46 hour $15.00
8090 All Terrain Vehicle Polaris-Ranger 900 hour $26.30
8091 All Terrain Vehicle Honda Pioneer-1000-3 hour $27.00
8110 Barge, Deck Size 50'x35'x7.25' 0 Push by Tug-Boat hour $52.73
8111 Barge, Deck Size 50'x35'x9' 0 Push by Tug-Boat hour $56.53
8112 Barge, Deck Size 120'x45'x10' 0 Push by Tug-Boat hour $109.11
8113 Barge, Deck Size 160'x45'x11'' 0 Push by Tug-Boat hour $132.11
8120 Boat, Tow Size 55'x20'x5' to 870 Steel. hour $335.23
8121 Boat, Tow Size 60'x21'x5' to 1050 Steel. hour $377.40
8122 Boat, Tow Size 70'x30'x7.5' to 1350 Steel. hour $597.02
8123 Boat, Tow Size 120'x34'x8' to 2000 Steel. hour $1,129.95
8124 Airboat 815AGIS Airboat w/spray unit 15'x8' 400 hour $33.16
8125 Airboat 815AGIS Airboat w/spray unit 15'x8' 425 hour $33.52
8126 Swamp Buggy Conquest 360 hour $41.93
8130 Boat, Row 0 Heavy duty. hour $1.49
8131 Boat, Runabout Size 13'x5' to 50 Outboard. hour $12.73
8132 Boat, Tender Size 14'x7' to 100 Inboard with 360 degree drive. hour $15.53
8133 Boat, Push Size 45'x21'x6' to 435 Flat hull. hour $227.27
8134 Boat, Push Size 54'x21'x6' to 525 Flat hull. hour $282.11
8135 Boat, Push Size 58'x24'x7.5' to 705 Flat hull. hour $340.76
8136 Boat, Push Size 64'x25'x8' to 870 Flat hull. hour $375.08
8140 Boat, Tug Length 16 Ft to 100 hour $45.23
8141 Boat, Tug Length 18 Ft to 175 hour $65.79
8142 Boat, Tug Length 26 Ft to 250 hour $82.83
8143 Boat, Tug Length 40 Ft to 380 hour $207.27
8144 Boat, Tug Length 51 Ft to 700 hour $285.33
8145 Jet Ski 3-seater hour $28.09
8146 Jet Ski hour $8.72
8147 Boat, Inflatable Rescue Raft Zodiac 0 hour $1.15
8148 Boat, Runabout 1544 lbs 11 passenger capacity 190-250 hour $66.43
8149 Boat, Removable Engine 2000 Johnson Outboard Motor w 15" shaft 15 hour $1.60
8150 Pavement Brooms Self Propelled to 37 hour $24.08
8151 Broom, Pavement Broom Length 96 In to 100 hour $31.17
8153 Broom, Pavement, Mounted Broom Length 72 In to 18 Add Prime Mover cost for total rate hour $5.76
8154 Broom, Pavement, Pull Broom Length 84 In to 20 Add Prime Mover cost for total rate hour $15.32
8155 Broom, Pavement Broom Length 72 In to 35 hour $24.57
8157 Sweeper, Pavement to 110 hour $85.20
8158 Sweeper, Pavement to 230 hour $100.11
8180 Bus to 150 hour $21.90
8181 Bus to 210 hour $26.18
8182 Bus to 300 hour $40.21
8183 Blower Gasoline powered Toro Pro Force 27 hour $15.62
8183-1 Mosquito Sprayer 2015 Adapco Guardian 95 ES 15-gal; 350 lbs hour $19.09
8184 Back-Pack Blower to 4.4 hour $1.55
8185 Walk-Behind Blower 13 hour $6.93
8187 Chainsaw Bar Length = 20 in 3.0 cu in 3 hour $1.94
8188 Chainsaw Bar Length = 20 in 5.0 cu in 6 hour $3.39
8189 Chainsaw Bar Length = 20 in 6.0 cu in 7 hour $3.60
8190 Chain Saw Bar Length = 16 in 2.5 cu in 2 hour $2.07
8191 Chain Saw Bar Length = 25 in 7.5 cu in 8 hour $4.54
8192 Chain Saw Bar Length = 18 in 4.0 cu in 3.2 hour $2.13
8193 Skidder model 748 E to 173 hour $115.15
8194 Skidder model 648 G11 to 177 hour $138.73
8195 Cutter, Brush Cutter Size 8 ft to 150 hour $124.22
8196 Cutter, Brush Cutter Size 8 ft to 190 hour $137.38
8197 Cutter, Brush Cutter Size 10 ft to 245 hour $144.78
8198 Bruncher Cutter Cutter, Brush - 247 hp, 1997 Model 511 Feller to 247 hour $198.34
8199 Log Trailer 40 ft 0 hour $10.29
8200 Chipper, Brush Chipping Capacity 6 In to 35 Trailer Mounted. hour $9.10
8201 Chipper, Brush Chipping Capacity 9 In to 65 Trailer Mounted. hour $17.30
8202 Chipper, Brush Chipping Capacity 12 In to 100 Trailer Mounted. hour $32.26
8203 Chipper, Brush Chipping Capacity 15 In to 125 Trailer Mounted. hour $34.17
8204 Chipper, Brush Chipping Capacity 18 In to 200 Trailer Mounted. hour $51.12
8208 Loader - Tractor - Knuckleboom model Barko 595 ML to 173 hour $172.12
8209 Loader - Wheel model 210 w/ Buck Saw 50 inch Bar to 240 hour $95.11
8210 Clamshell & Dragline, Crawler 149,999 lbs to 235 Bucket not included in rate. hour $131.38
8211 Clamshell & Dragline, Crawler 250,000 lbs to 520 Bucket not included in rate. hour $174.33
8212 Clamshell & Dragline, Truck to 240 Bucket not included in rate. hour $142.26
8217 Compactor 2-ton pavement roller to 76" wide 40 hour $27.29
8218 BOMAG Compactor BW100AD-3 33 Hour $29.33
8219 Compactor -2-Ton Pavement Roller Single Drum Vibratoty Compactor to 2.9 Ton 28 hour $29.12
8220 Compactor to 10 hour $15.32
8221 Compactor, Towed, Vibratory Drum to 45 Plus tow Truck hour $35.01
8222 Compactor, Vibratory, Drum to 75 hour $25.34
8223 Compactor, Pneumatic, Wheel to 100 hour $52.15
8224 Vibratory Compactor Caterpillar CP-563D 145 hour $60.75
8225 Compactor, Sanitation to 300 hour $97.46
8226 Compactor, Sanitation to 400 hour $156.79
8227 Compactor, Sanitation 535 hour $308.62
8228 Compactor, Towed, Pneumatic, Wheel Hercules PT-11, 10,000 lbs 11-Wheels (Towed) hour $18.71
8229 Compactor,Towed Steel Drum Static Compactor GTD-54120 20,000 lbs Grid Drum (Towed) hour $23.95
8240 Feeder, Grizzly to 35 hour $27.43
8241 Feeder, Grizzly to 55 hour $34.74
8242 Feeder, Grizzly to 75 hour $65.75
8250 Dozer, Crawler Deere 450J LT to 75 hour $55.15
8251 Dozer, Crawler Deere 650K LGP; ROPS/FOPS to 105 hour $73.31
8252 Dozer, Crawler to 160 hour $95.45
8253 Dozer, Crawler to 250 hour $152.20
8254 Dozer, Crawler to 360 hour $223.35
8255 Dozer, Crawler Make/Model: CAT D10T (disc. 2014); Protection: EROPS; Type Semi-U to 574 hour $348.96
8256 Dozer, Crawler to 850 hour $363.50
8260 Dozer, Wheel to 300 hour $106.42
8261 Dozer, Wheel to 400 hour $102.64
8262 Dozer, Wheel to 500 hour $200.86
8263 Dozer, Wheel to 625 hour $242.66
8269 Box Scraper 3 hitch attach for tractor; 2007 Befco 0 hour $3.70
8270 Bucket, Clamshell Capacity 1.0 CY 0 Includes teeth. Does not include Clamshell & Dragline hour $4.74
8271 Bucket, Clamshell Capacity 2.5 CY 0 Includes teeth. Does not include Clamshell & Dragline hour $9.12
8272 Bucket, Clamshell Capacity 5.0 CY 0 Includes teeth. Does not include Clamshell & Dragline hour $13.62
8273 Bucket, Clamshell Capacity 7.5 CY 0 Includes teeth. Does not include Clamshell & Dragline hour $26.52
8275 Bucket, Dragline Capacity 2.0 CY 0 Does not include Clamshell & Dragline hour $4.06
8276 Bucket, Dragline Capacity 5.0 CY 0 Does not include Clamshell & Dragline hour $10.14
8277 Bucket, Dragline Capacity 10 CY 0 Does not include Clamshell & Dragline hour $14.62
8278 Bucket, Dragline Capacity 14 CY 0 Does not include Clamshell & Dragline hour $19.02
8280 Excavator, Hydraulic Bucket Capacity 0.5 CY to 45 Crawler, Truck & Wheel. Includes bucket. hour $20.46
8281 Excavator, Hydraulic Bucket Capacity 1.0 CY to 90 Crawler, Truck & Wheel. Includes bucket. hour $57.67
8282 Excavator, Hydraulic Bucket Capacity 1.5 CY to 160 Crawler, Truck & Wheel. Includes bucket. hour $82.48
8283 Excavator, Hydraulic Bucket Capacity 2.5 CY to 265 Crawler, Truck & Wheel. Includes bucket. hour $137.11
8284 Excavator, Hydraulic Bucket Capacity 4.5 CY to 420 Crawler, Truck & Wheel. Includes bucket. hour $272.66
8285 Excavator, Hydraulic Bucket Capacity 7.5 CY to 650 Crawler, Truck & Wheel. Includes bucket. hour $309.18
8286 Excavator, Hydraulic Bucket Capacity 12 CY to 1000 Crawler, Truck & Wheel. Includes bucket. hour $472.94
8287 Excavator 2007 model Gradall XL3100 III 184 hour $104.57
8288 Excavator 2003 model Gradall XL4100 III 238 hour $120.67
8289 Excavator 2006 model Gradall XL5100 230 hour $135.66
8290 Trowel, Concrete Diameter 48 In to 12 hour $4.46
8300 Fork Lift Capacity 6000 Lbs to 60 hour $13.63
8301 Fork Lift Capacity 12000 Lbs to 90 hour $18.66
8302 Fork Lift Capacity 18000 Lbs to 140 hour $26.03
8303 Fork Lift Capacity 50000 Lbs to 215 hour $57.41
8306 Fork Lift Material Handler Diesel, CAT TH360B 6600-11500 gvwr lbs 94.9 3.1- 3.5 Mton hour $46.49
8307 Fork Lift Material Handler Diesel, CAT TH460B 9000 Lbs 94.9 4.5 - 4.9 Mton hour $53.54
8308 Fork Lift Material Handler Diesel, CAT TH560B 10000 Lbs 117.5 4.5 - 4.9 Mton hour $58.74
8309 Fork Lift Accessory 2003 ACS Paddle Fork 0 hour $3.58
8310 Generator Prime Output 5.5 KW to 10 hour $4.95
8311 Generator Prime Output 16 KW to 25 hour $7.92
8311-1 Generator 20 KVA 44 hour $25.00
8312 Generator Prime Output 60KW to 88 hour $25.92
8313 Generator Prime Output 100 KW to 125 hour $40.01
8314 Generator Prime Output 150 KW to 240 hour $55.67
8315 Generator Prime Output 210 KW to 300 hour $77.67
8316 Generator Prime Output 280 KW to 400 hour $88.84
8317 Generator Prime Output 350 KW to 500 hour $99.73
8317-1 Generator Prime Output 400KVA = 320KW 464 Enclosed hour $118.18
8318 Generator Prime Output 530 KW to 750 hour $159.09
8319 Generator Prime Output 710 KW to 1000 hour $204.67
8320 Generator Prime Output 1100 KW 1645 Open hour $362.20
8321 Generator Prime Output 2500 KW to 3000 hour $561.53
8322 Generator Prime Output 1,000 KW to 1645 Enclosed hour $467.83
8323 Generator Prime Output 1,500 KW to 2500 Enclosed hour $544.93
8324 Generator Prime Output 1100KW 2500 Enclosed hour $544.93
8325 Generator Prime Output 40KW 63 Open hour $23.48
8326 Generator Prime Output 20KW 35 Open/Closed hour $16.70
8327 Generator Large Prime Output 800 KW 1065 hour $235.71
8327-1 Generator Prime Output 80 KW 120 hour $32.09
8327-2 SOLAR/GAS Turbine Generator-Taurus 70 7-Megawatts Solar, 3-Megawatts Stean Turbine 7000 KW 10915 12470- Volts to Micro grid, or 115000 Volts to City Utility, When operated with gas hour $2,600.00
8327-3 SOLAR/GAS Turbine Generator-Taurus 70 7-Megawatts Solar, 3-Megawatts Stean Turbine 7001 KW 10915 12470- Volts to Micro grid, or 115000 Volts to City Utility, When operated with Solar hour $800.00
8328 Generator Prime Output 900 KW 1355 hour $299.28
8328-1 Generator Heavy Duty Prime Output 2000KW Open hour $496.86
8329 Generator Prime Output 1000 KW to 1645 Open hour $450.78
8330 Graders Moldboard Size 10 Ft to 110 Includes Rigid and Articulate equipment. hour $44.60
8331 Graders Moldboard Size 12 Ft to 150 Includes Rigid and Articulate equipment. hour $65.12
8332 Graders Moldboard Size 14 Ft to 225 Includes Rigid and Articulate equipment. hour $100.61
8334 Graders CAT 140; ROPS; Diesel; Moldboard Size: 168 x 24 x 0.9 Diesel 275 hour $124.00
8350 Hose, Discharge Diameter 3 In 0 Per 25 foot length. Includes couplings. hour $0.16
8351 Hose, Discharge Diameter 4 In 0 Per 25 foot length. Includes couplings. hour $0.24
8352 Hose, Discharge Diameter 6 In 0 Per 25 foot length. Includes couplings. hour $0.61
8353 Hose, Discharge Diameter 8 In 0 Per 25 foot length. Includes couplings. hour $0.63
8354 Hose, Discharge Diameter 12 In 0 Per 25 foot length. Includes couplings. hour $0.93
8355 Hose, Discharge Diameter 16 In 0 Per 25 foot length. Includes couplings. hour $1.73
8356 Hose, Suction Diameter 3 In 0 Per 25 foot length. Includes couplings. hour $0.29
8357 Hose, Suction Diameter 4 In 0 Per 25 foot length. Includes couplings. hour $0.34
8358 Hose, Suction Diameter 6 In 0 Per 25 foot length. Includes couplings. hour $1.13
8359 Hose, Suction Diameter 8 In 0 Per 25 foot length. Includes couplings. hour $1.13
8360 Hose, Suction Diameter 12 In 0 Per 25 foot length. Includes couplings. hour $1.75
8361 Hose, Suction Diameter 16 In 0 Per 25 foot length. Includes couplings. hour $3.34
8380 Loader, Crawler Bucket Capacity 0.5 CY to 32 Includes bucket. hour $20.66
8381 Loader, Crawler Bucket Capacity 1 CY to 60 Includes bucket. hour $35.85
8382 Loader, Crawler Bucket Capacity 2 CY to 118 Includes bucket. hour $69.98
8383 Loader, Crawler Bucket Capacity 3 CY to 178 Includes bucket. hour $126.60
8384 Loader, Crawler Bucket Capacity 4 CY to 238 Includes bucket. hour $120.21
8390 Loader, Wheel Bucket Capacity 0.5 CY to 38 hour $21.01
8391 Loader, Wheel Bucket Capacity 1 CY to 60 hour $41.05
8392 Loader, Wheel Bucket Capacity 2 CY to 105 CAT-926 hour $39.35
8393 Loader, Wheel Bucket Capacity 3 CY to 152 hour $46.45
8394 Loader, Wheel Bucket Capacity 4 CY 232 hour $78.13
8395 Loader, Wheel Bucket Capacity 5 CY 255 hour $80.80
8396 Loader, Wheel Bucket Capacity 6 CY to 305 hour $113.83
8397 Loader, Wheel Bucket Capacity 7 CY to 360 hour $139.70
8398 Loader, Wheel Bucket Capacity 8 CY to 530 hour $190.00
8399 Tractor John Deere 6605 Tractor with mower 95 hour $17.33
8400 Tractor New Holland T6031 Tractor - agriculture all purpose 115 hour $35.56
8401 Loader, Tractor, Wheel Bucket Capacity 0.87 CY to 80 Case 580 Super L hour $37.76
8410 Mixer, Concrete Portable Batching Capacity 10 Cft 8 Diesel Powered hour $3.17
8411 Mixer, Concrete Portable Batching Capacity 12 Cft 11 Gasoline Powered hour $5.48
8412 Mixer, Concrete, Trailer Mounted Batching Capacity 11 Cft to 10 hour $14.59
8413 Mixer, Concrete, Trailer Mounted Batching Capacity 16 Cft to 25 hour $19.70
8414 Truck, Concrete Mixer Mixer Capacity 13 CY to 300 hour $85.90
8419 Hand-Held, Pavement Breakers Air Tool/Electric Power 90 Lbs 0 hour $1.17
8420 Self-Propelled Pavement Breaker, Self-Propelled (Diesel) to 70-80 hour $59.37
8421 Vibrator, Concrete Hand Held to 4 hour $1.65
8423 Spreader, Chip Spread Hopper Width 12.5 Ft to 152 hour $88.36
8424 Spreader, Chip Spread Hopper Width 16.5 Ft to 215 hour $121.45
8425 Spreader, Chip, Mounted Hopper Size 8 Ft to 8 Trailer & truck mounted. hour $4.65
8430 Paver, Asphalt, Towed 0 Does not include Prime Mover. hour $12.84
8431 Paver, Asphalt Crawler to 50 Includes wheel and crawler equipment. hour $66.94
8432 Paver, Asphalt Crawler to 125 Includes wheel and crawler equipment. hour $92.45
8433 Paver, Asphalt Crawler to 175 Includes wheel and crawler equipment. hour $252.13
8434 Paver, Asphalt 35,000Lbs & Over to 250 Includes wheel and crawler equipment. hour $246.91
8436 Pick-up, Asphalt to 110 hour $112.03
8437 Pick-up, Asphalt Cederapids CR MS-2 113 to 140 Asphalt-Pick-up Machine hour $146.98
8438 Pick-up, Asphalt Blaw-Knox MC-330 184 to 200 Asphalt-Pick-up Machine hour $196.08
8439 Pick-up, Asphalt MTV 1000C to 275 Asphalt-Pick-up Machine hour $282.37
8440 Striper Paint Capacity 40 Gal to 22 hour $16.76
8441 Striper Paint Capacity 90 Gal to 60 hour $23.17
8442 Striper Paint Capacity 120 Gal to 122 hour $42.65
8445 Striper, Truck Mounted Paint Capacity 120 Gal to 460 hour $76.28
8446 Striper, Walk-behind Paint Capacity 12 Gal 5 hour $3.96
8447 Paver Accessory - Belt Extension 2002 Leeboy Conveyor Belt Extension 24' X 50' 0 crawler hour $37.18
8450 Plow, Snow, Grader Mounted Width to 10 Ft 0 Include Grader for total cost hour $28.51
8451 Plow, Snow, Grader Mounted Width to 14 Ft 0 Include Grader for total cost hour $33.00
8452 Plow, Truck Mounted Width to 15 Ft 0 Include truck for total cost hour $23.80
8453 Plow, Truck Mounted Width to 15 Ft 0 With leveling wing. Include truck for total cost hour $40.69
8455 Spreader, Sand Mounting Tailgate, Chassis 0 Truck not included hour $8.02
8456 Spreader, Sand Mounting Dump Body 0 Truck not included hour $10.88
8457 Spreader, Sand Mounting Truck (10yd) 0 Truck not included hour $13.62
8458 Spreader, Chemical Capacity 5 CY to 4 Trailer & truck mounted. hour $6.49
8469 Pump - Trash Pump 10 MTC 2" Pump to 7 10,000 gph hour $8.28
8470 Pump Centrifugal, 8M pump 2" - 10,000 gal/hr. to 4.5 Hoses not included. hour $7.79
8471 Pump Diaphragm pump 2" - 3,000 gal/hr. to 6 Hoses not included. hour $9.59
8472 Pump Centrifugal, 18M pump 3" - 18,000 gal/hr. pump to 10 Hoses not included. hour $9.05
8473 Pump to 15 Hoses not included. hour $12.25
8474 Pump to 25 Hoses not included. hour $13.96
8475 Pump to 40 Hoses not included. hour $17.22
8476 Pump 4" 40,000 gal/hr. to 60 Hoses not included. hour $26.88
8477 Pump to 95 Hoses not included. hour $34.78
8478 Pump to 140 Hoses not included. hour $41.19
8479 Pump to 200 Hoses not included. hour $51.50
8480 Pump to 275 Does not include Hoses. hour $69.29
8481 Pump to 350 Does not include Hoses. hour $82.80
8482 Pump to 425 Does not include Hoses. hour $100.40
8483 Pump to 500 Does not include Hoses. hour $118.85
8484 Pump to 575 Does not include Hoses. hour $138.44
8484-1 Pump Electric Motor 600 hour $142.65
8485 Pump to 650 Does not include Hoses. hour $157.05
8485-1 Pump 746 hour $177.36
8485-2 Pump 905 hour $215.60
8485-3 Pump 110,000 gpm 1000 hour $360.00
8485-4 Pump CAT-3606 Engine 2250 hour $775.00
8485-5 Pump 464,125 gpm 2500 hour $780.00
8485-6 Pump -High Powered Pump with Caterpillar Engine C280-12 CAT Engine 1000-RPM, 20,000 CFM 5444 Fairbanks Morse/Lufkin Heavy Duty Pump hour $1,285.00
8486 Aerial Lift, Truck Mounted Max. Platform Height 40 Ft Add this rate to truck rate for total lift and truck rate hour $12.05
8487 Aerial Lift, Truck Mounted Max. Platform Height 61 Ft Add this rate to truck rate for total lift and truck rate hour $20.95
8488 Aerial Lift, Truck Mounted Max. Platform Height 80 Ft Add this rate to truck rate for total lift and truck rate hour $38.85
8489 Aerial Lift, Truck Mounted Max. Platform Load - 600Lbs 81 Ft -100 Ft. Ht. Articulated and Telescoping. Add this rate to truck rate for total lift and truck rate hour $39.10
8490 Aerial Lift, Self-Propelled Max. Platform Height 37 Ft. Ht. to 15 Articulated, Telescoping, Scissor. hour $9.15
8491 Aerial Lift, Self-Propelled Max. Platform Height 60 Ft. Ht. to 30 Articulated, Telescoping, Scissor. hour $33.24
8492 Aerial Lift, Self-Propelled Max. Platform Height 70 Ft. Ht. to 50 Articulated, Telescoping, Scissor. hour $26.58
8493 Aerial Lift, Self-Propelled Max. Platform Height 125 Ft. Ht. to 85 Articulated and Telescoping. hour $57.49
8494 Aerial Lift, Self-Propelled Max. Platform Height 150 Ft. Ht. to 130 Articulated and Telescoping. hour $74.93
8495 I.C. Aerial Lift, Self-Propelled Max. Platform Load - 500 Lbs 75"x155", 40Ft Ht. to 80 2000 Lbs Capacity hour $30.13
8496 Crane, Truck Mounted Max. Lift Capacity 24000 Lbs 0 Include truck rate for total cost hour $20.80
8497 Crane, Truck Mounted Max. Lift Capacity 36000 Lbs 0 Include truck rate for total cost hour $29.28
8498 Crane, Truck Mounted Max. Lift Capacity 60000 Lbs 0 Include truck rate for total cost hour $45.07
8500 Crane Max. Lift Capacity 8 MT to 80 hour $59.49
8501 Crane Max. Lift Capacity 15 MT to 150 hour $98.07
8502 Crane Max. Lift Capacity 50 MT to 200 hour $141.89
8503 Crane Max. Lift Capacity 70 MT to 300 hour $198.29
8504 Crane (Crawler) Max. Lift Capacity 110 MT to 350 hour $232.88
8510 Saw, Concrete Blade Diameter 14 In to 14 hour $7.29
8511 Saw, Concrete Blade Diameter 26 In to 35 hour $11.63
8512 Saw, Concrete Blade Diameter 48 In to 65 hour $24.18
8513 Saw, Rock Blade Diameter to 100 hour $41.98
8514 Saw, Rock Blade Diameter to 200 hour $94.55
8517 Jackhammer (Dry) Weight Class 25-45 Lbs 0 Pneumatic Powered hour $1.71
8518 Jackhammer (Wet) Weight Class 30-55 Lbs 0 Pneumatic Powered hour $1.90
8521 Scraper Scraper Capacity 15 CY to 262 hour $131.34
8522 Scraper Scraper Capacity 22 CY to 365 hour $213.55
8523 Scraper Scraper Capacity 34 CY to 500 hour $275.45
8524 Scraper Scraper Capacity 44 CY to 604 hour $327.93
8540 Loader, Skid-Steer Operating Capacity 976 - 1250 Lbs to 36 hour $26.04
8541 Loader, Skid-Steer Operating Capacity 1751 - 2200 Lbs to 66 hour $31.16
8542 Loader, Skid-Steer Operating Capacity 2901 to 3300 Lbs to 81 hour $36.76
8549 Snow Plower, Salt Spreader Towed Salt Spreader/Snow Plower 26 ft X 8 ft 260 Plus Towed Salt Spreader hour $25.00
8550 Snow Blower, Truck Mounted Capacity 600 Tph to 75 Does not include truck hour $33.74
8551 Snow Blower, Truck Mounted Capacity 1400 Tph to 200 Does not include truck hour $90.01
8552 Snow Blower, Truck Mounted Capacity 2000 Tph to 340 Does not include truck hour $135.34
8553 Snow Blower, Truck Mounted Capacity 2500 Tph to 400 Does not include truck hour $147.02
8558 Snow Thrower, Walk Behind Cutting Width 25 in to 5 hour $3.01
8559 Snow Thrower, Walk Behind Cutting Width 60 in to 15 hour $14.67
8559-1 SnowBroom Oshkosh Snow Broom Blower Airport Equipment Model 2718 450-500 hour $184.00
8560 Snow Blower Capacity 2,000 Tph to 400 hour $232.52
8561 Snow Blower Capacity 2,500 Tph to 500 hour $251.98
8561-1 Snow Blower MTE Snow Mauler 428 hour $260.00
8561-2 Snow Blower Vammas PSB 4500MTE Uses high quality Bristles 420 hour $266.00
8562 Snow Blower Capacity 3,500 Tph to 600 hour $278.68
8563 The Vammas 4500 Snow Remover 26ft Plow, 20ft Broom + Airblast 428 Equip with Plow & Broom hour $263.64
8564 The Vammas 5500 RM300 96"W x 20"D 350 Soil Stabilization, Reclaimer hour $214.97
8565 Pavement Sweeper H-Series 420 Equip with Broom hour $232.21
8569 Dust Control De-Ice Unit 1300-2000 gal 173"Lx98"Wx51"H 5.5 Hydro Pump w/100' 1/2" hose hour $3.59
8570 Loader-Backhoe, Wheel Loader Bucket Capacity 0.5 CY to 40 Loader and Backhoe Buckets included. hour $22.97
8571 Loader-Backhoe, Wheel Loader Bucket Capacity 1 CY to 70 Loader and Backhoe Buckets included. hour $30.36
8572 Loader-Backhoe, Wheel Loader Bucket Capacity 1.5 CY to 95 Loader and Backhoe Buckets included. hour $43.91
8573 Loader-Backhoe, Wheel Loader Bucket Capacity 1.75 CY to 115 Loader and Backhoe Buckets included. hour $52.69
8580 Distributor, Asphalt Tank Capacity Mounted on Trailer 550 Gal 16 burners, insulated tank, and circulating spray bar. hour $18.40
8581 Distributor, Asphalt Tank Capacity Mounted on Trailer 1000 Gal 38 Truck Mounted. Includes burners, insulated tank, and circulating spray bar. Include truck rate. hour $27.35
8582 Distributor, Asphalt Tank Capacity Mounted on Truck 4000 Gal Truck Mounted. Includes burners, insulated tank, and circulating spray bar. Include truck rate. hour $39.34
8583 Distributor ETNYRE Oil Distributor Model - PB348 300 hour $44.18
8584 Distributor ETNYRE Quad Chip Spreader 280 hour $88.36
8590 Trailer, Dump Capacity 20 CY 0 Does not include Prime Mover. hour $12.81
8591 Trailer, Dump Capacity 30 CY 0 Does not include Prime Mover. hour $13.56
8600 Trailer, Equipment Capacity 30 Tons 0 hour $16.99
8601 Trailer, Equipment Capacity 40 Tons 0 hour $18.74
8602 Trailer, Equipment Capacity 60 Tons 0 hour $23.01
8603 Trailer, Equipment Capacity 120 Tons 0 hour $34.36
8610 Trailer, Water Tank Capacity 4000 Gal 0 Includes a centrifugal pump with sump and a rear spraybar. hour $15.84
8611 Trailer, Water Tank Capacity 6000 Gal 0 Includes a centrifugal pump with sump and a rear spraybar. hour $19.44
8612 Trailer, Water Tank Capacity 10000 Gal 0 Includes a centrifugal pump with sump and a rear spraybar. hour $22.61
8613 Trailer, Water Tank Capacity 14000 Gal 0 Includes a centrifugal pump with sump and a rear spraybar. hour $28.09
8614 Truck- Water Tanker 1000 gal. tank 175 hour $32.44
8620 Tub Grinder to 440 hour $99.68
8621 Tub Grinder to 630 hour $150.70
8622 Tub Grinder to 760 hour $192.21
8623 Tub Grinder to 1000 hour $337.45
8627 Horizontal Grinder Model HG6000 630 hour $59.95
8628 Stump Grinder 1988 Vermeer SC-112 102 hour $49.27
8629 Stump Grinder 24" grinding wheel 110 hour $46.96
8630 Sprayer, Seed Working Capacity 750 Gal to 30 Trailer & truck mounted. Does not include Prime Mover. hour $14.61
8631 Sprayer, Seed Working Capacity 1250 Gal to 50 Trailer & truck mounted. Does not include Prime Mover. hour $20.21
8632 Sprayer, Seed Working Capacity 3500 Gal to 115 Trailer & truck mounted. Does not include Prime Mover. hour $30.20
8633 Mulcher, Trailer Mounted Working Capacity 7 TPH to 35 hour $15.17
8634 Mulcher, Trailer Mounted Working Capacity 10 TPH to 55 hour $22.34
8635 Mulcher, Trailer Mounted Working Capacity 20 TPH to 120 hour $31.50
8636 Scraper Soil Recycler WR 2400 w 317 gal fuel tank 563 hour $320.08
8637 Trailer Double Belly Bottom-dump Trailer 26 CY of soil in one dump 330 13 CY of soil each berry hour $40.53
8638 Rake Barber Beach Sand Rake 600HDr, towed 0 Towed by Beach vehicle hour $16.00
8639 Chipper Wildcat 626 Cougar Trommel Screen chipper w belt 125 hour $35.88
8640 Trailer, Office Trailer Size 8' x 24' 0 Cargo Size 16ft hour $2.31
8641 Trailer, Office Trailer Size 8' x 32' 0 Cargo Size 24ft hour $2.74
8642 Trailer, Office Trailer Size 10' x 32' 0 Cargo Size 20ft hour $3.62
8643 Trailer Haz-Mat Equipment trailer 8'x18' 0 Move by Tractor to Location hour $39.42
8644 Trailer, Covered Utility Trailer (7’ X 16’) 0 Move by Tractor to Location hour $5.96
8645 Trailer, Dodge Ram 8' x 24' shower trailer- 12 showers 101 hour $30.75
8646 Trailer, Dodge 8' x 32’ flatbed water 25,000 MGVW 200 4x2-Axle hour $29.00
8650 Trencher to 40 Walk-behind, Crawler & Wheel Mounted. Chain and Wheel. hour $17.24
8651 Trencher to 85 Walk-behind, Crawler & Wheel Mounted. Chain and Wheel. hour $29.85
8652 Trencher/Ditcher New Holland B115B (disc. 2012) EROPS 4WD 108 hour $36.56
8653 Trencher/Ditcher New Holland T8.330 EROPS 4WD 284 hour $86.94
8654 Trencher Accessories 2008 Griswold Trenchbox 0 hour $1.99
8660 Plow, Cable Plow Depth 24 in to 30 hour $13.93
8661 Plow, Cable Plow Depth 36 in to 65 hour $40.95
8662 Plow, Cable Plow Depth 48 in to 110 hour $43.15
8670 Derrick, Hydraulic Digger Max. Boom = 60 Ft, 12,000 Ft-Lb Hydraulic Lift Capacity 15,500 Lbs 275 Includes hydraulic pole alignment attachment. Include truck rate hour $36.15
8671 Derrick, Hydraulic Digger Max. Boom = 90 Ft, 14000 Ft-Lb Hydraulic Lift Capacity 26,700 Lbs 310 Includes hydraulic pole alignment attachment. Include truck rate hour $56.38
8672 Movax SP-60 28-32 ton Head 134KW 178 Sonic Sidegrip Vibratory Pile Driver Hour $110.73
8680 Truck, Fire Aerial Platform 112Ft Ladder 3000gpm/1000 gal Water or Foam 600 2-1000gpm Nozzles 1-Each side of Platform Hour $85.90
8681 Truck, Fire, Engine Type-1 1000GPM/300gal Engine, with Pump & Roll hour $141.96
8682 Truck, Fire, Engine Type-2 500GPM/300gal Engine, with Pump & Roll hour $133.85
8683 Truck, Fire, Engine Type-3 48 ft Ladder 150gpm/500gal, 115-149 Hose 1-1/2"D 500' Long hour $120.97
8684 Truck, Fire Aerial 100Ft Ladder 2000gpm/500gal 450 1500gpm Monitor/nozzle hour $180.49
8685 Truck, Fire (Type-I) 48 ft Ladder 1000gpm/400gal, 500gpm Master Stream 200-250 Hose 2-1/2"D 1200' Long hour $156.16
8686 Truck, Fire (Type-II) 48 ft Ladder 500gpm/300gal 100-199 Hose 2-1/2"D 1000' Long hour $133.34
8687 Truck, Fire, Support Water Tender S1 300GPM/4000gal 115-149 S1 Water Tender hour $116.10
8688 Truck, Fire, Support Water Tender S2 200GPM/2500gal S2 Water Tender hour $104.95
8689 Truck, Fire, Support Water Tender S3 200GPM/1000gal S3 Water Tender hour $80.11
8690 Truck, Fire 1000 GPM @150 psi hour $71.31
8691 Truck, Fire 1250 GPM/2500 gal 500 hour $75.61
8692 Truck, Fire 1500 GPM/1000 gal 500 hour $82.24
8693 Truck, Fire 2000 GPM hour $85.22
8694 Truck, Fire Ladder Aerial 75 ft Ladder 1500GPM/600 gal 475 hour $122.69
8695 Truck, Fire Ladder Aerial 150 ft Ladder 150 FT No Platform, hour $148.48
8696 Truck, Fire No Ladder 330 Rescue Equipment hour $97.71
8697 Truck, Fire, Tactical Water Tender T1 250GPM/2000gal 175 hour $121.17
8698 Truck, Fire, Tactical Water Tender T2 250GPM/1000gal hour $104.11
8699 Truck, Fire, Engine Type-3 150GPM/500gal Engine, with Pump & Roll hour $128.27
8700 Truck, Flatbed Maximum Gvw 15000 Lbs to 200 Diesel Engine hour $22.24
8701 Truck, Flatbed Maximum Gvw 25000 Lbs to 275 Gasoline Engine hour $33.72
8701-1 Truck, Flatbed Maximum Gvw 25000 Lbs 200 Diesel Engine hour $28.95
8702 Truck, Flatbed Maximum Gvw 30000 Lbs 217 Diesel Engine hour $29.31
8703 Truck, Flatbed Maximum Gvw 45000 Lbs to 380 Diesel Engine hour $48.23
8708 Trailer, Semi 48ft to 53ft, flat-bed, freight, two axle 50,000 gvwr 0 hour $8.79
8709 Trailer, Semi enclosed 48 ft to 53 ft, two axles 50,000 gvwr 0 Enclosed hour $9.96
8710 Trailer, Semi 28ft, single axle, freight 25,000 gvwr 0 hour $10.15
8711 Flat Bed Utility Trailer 6 ton 0 hour $3.62
8711-1 Sewer Camera Inspection Truck Aries Pathfinder System Control Center, Work Station hour $14.00
8712 Cleaner, Sewer/Catch Basin Hopper Capacity 5 CY 50 Truck Mounted. (350 gal) hour $25.81
8713 Cleaner, Sewer/Catch Basin Hopper Capacity 14 CY 60 Truck Mounted. (1500 Gal) hour $31.96
8714 Combined Sewer Cleaning 800 Gal Spoils/400 Gal Water 500/800 gal 190 with water & waste Tanks hour $86.29
8714-1 Vector Combine Vacuum Truck 1500 gal Water 15 Cu Yd 330 with water & waste Tanks hour $88.16
8714-2 Combined Sewer Cleaning Peterbilt 1500 gal Water 345 hour $90.00
8714-3 Combined Sewer Cleaning VACCON Combined Sewer Vacuum 500-1500 gals 370 hour $80.00
8715 Truck, Hydro Vac model LP555DT pump 36 Towed by tractor hour $18.76
8716 Leaf Vac Tow by Truck 22,000 cfm capacity 85 Leaf Vac + Truck Code 8811 hour $53.67
8717 Truck, Vacuum 60,000 GVW 400 hour $77.79
8718 Trash Pump CPB Rating - 10MTC 10000 gal/Hr 7 Self- Priming Trash Pump hour $7.87
8719 Litter Picker model 2007 Barber 0 Towed by tractor hour $9.59
8720 Truck, Dump Struck Capacity 8 CY to 220 hour $52.96
8721 Truck, Dump Struck Capacity 10 CY to 320 hour $65.75
8722 Truck, Dump Struck Capacity 12 CY to 400 hour $73.31
8723 Truck, Dump Struck Capacity 14 CY to 400 hour $78.59
8724 Truck, Dump, Off Highway Struck Capacity 28 CY to 450 hour $139.82
8725 Truck, Dump Struck Capacity 18 CY to 400 hour $84.27
8726 Truck, Dump Caterpillar Sand hauling truck 489 hour $132.00
8730 Truck, Garbage Capacity 25 CY to 255 hour $50.49
8731 Truck, Garbage Capacity 32 CY to 325 hour $57.86
8733 E-BAM Services Environmental Beta Attenuation Air Monitor 0 Powered by Solar System hour $3.11
8734 Attenuator, Safety that can stop a vehicle at 60 mph 0 hour $5.44
8735 Truck, Attenuator 2004 Truck Mounted for 60 mph 0 hour $3.94
8736 Truck, Tow 1987 Chevy Kodiak 70 175 hour $29.13
8744 Van, Custom Special Service Canteen Truck 350 hour $18.61
8745 Van, Sstep model MT10FD 300 hour $22.36
8746 Van-up to 15 Passenger light duty, class 1 225-300 hour $20.77
8747 Van-up to 15 Passenger light duty, class 2 225-300 hour $21.06
8748 Van-Cargo light duty, class 1 225 - 300 hour $22.75
8749 Van-Cargo light duty, class 2 225-300 hour $23.00
8750 Vehicle, Small to 30 hour $6.50
8753 Vehicle, Recreational to 10 hour $2.91
8754 Motor Coach GVW 50534 56 Passenger + 1-Driver 430 Passenger Transportation Hour $64.84
8755 Golf Cart Battery operated 2 person 0 hour $3.85
8761 Vibrator, Concrete Shaft Length 16-ft, Head Diameter 2.5-in 2 hour $1.51
8770 Welder, Portable to 16 Includes ground cable and lead cable. hour $3.89
8771 Welder, Portable to 34 Includes ground cable and lead cable. hour $7.09
8772 Welder, Portable to 50 Includes ground cable and lead cable. hour $11.95
8773 Welder, Portable to 80 Includes ground cable and lead cable. hour $12.22
8780 Truck, Water Tank Capacity 2500 Gal to 175 Include pump and rear spray system. hour $28.95
8781 Truck, Water Tank Capacity 4000 Gal to 250 Include pump and rear spray system. hour $52.59
8788 Container & Roll Off Truck Roll off Truck 30 yds, 200 Roll-off-Truck only hour $24.06
8789 Truck, Tractor 1997 Freightliner F120 430 hour $57.61
8790 Truck, Tractor 4 x 2 25000 lbs to 210 hour $40.49
8791 Truck, Tractor 4 x 2 35000 lbs to 330 hour $49.93
8792 Truck, Tractor 6 x 2 45000 lbs to 360 hour $57.25
8793 Truck Ford F-450 Cutaway Truck 225 hour $85.78
8794 Truck, Freight Enclosed w/lift gate. Medium duty class 5 gvwr 16000-19500 Lbs 200 4 X 2 Axle (D) hour $27.63
8795 Truck, Backhoe Carrier Three axle, class 8, heavy duty over 33000Lbs 280 hour $35.04
8796 Truck, Freight Eenclosed w/lift gate. Heavy duty, class 7 26,001 to 33,000 lbs gvwr 217 4 X 2 Axle (D) hour $31.87
8797 Truck, Freight M2-106 Refrigerated Box Truck 250 hour $31.41
8798 Truck Tilt and roll-back, two axle, class 7 heavy duty, to 33,000 gvwr 217 4 X 2 Axle (D) hour $32.58
8799 Truck, Tilt and roll back, three axle. class 8 heavy duty over 33,001 gvwr 280 6 X 4 Axle (D) hour $42.92
8800 Truck, Pickup When transporting people. mile $0.56
8801 Truck, Pickup 1/2-ton Pickup Truck 4x2-Axle 160 hour $11.75
8802 Truck, Pickup 1-ton Pickup Truck 4x2-Axle 234 hour $16.81
8803 Truck, Pickup 1 1/4-ton Pickup Truck 4x2-Axle 260 hour $21.10
8804 Truck, Pickup 1 1/2-ton Pickup Truck 4x2-Axle 300 hour $21.13
8805 Truck, Pickup 1 3/4-ton Pickup Truck 4x2-Axle 300 hour $21.94
8806 Truck, Pickup 3/4-ton Pickup Truck 4x2-Axle 165 hour $12.77
8807 Truck, Pickup 3/4-ton Pickup Truck 4x4-Axle 285 Crew hour $19.87
8808 Truck, Pickup 1-ton Pickup Truck 4x4-Axle 340 Crew hour $20.57
8809 Truck, Pickup 1 1/4-ton Pickup Truck 4x4-Axle 360 Crew hour $25.19
8810 Truck, Pickup 1 1/2-ton Pickup Truck 4x4-Axle 362 Crew hour $25.53
8811 Truck, Pickup 1 3/4-ton Pickup Truck 4x4-Axle 362 Crew hour $26.24
8820 Skidder Accessory 2005 JCB Grapple Claw 0 hour $1.77
8821 Forklift, Accessory 2005 ACS Grapple Bucket 0 hour $1.58
8822 Truck, Loader Debris/Log (Knuckleboom Loader/Truck) 230 hour $53.97
8823 Chipper- Wood Recycler Cat 16 engine 700 hour $120.16
8824 Skidder model Cat 525B up to 160 hour $110.67
8825 Skidder 40K lbs- model Cat 525C 161 and up hour $132.45
8840 Truck, Service fuel and lube up to 26,000 gvwr 215-225 hour $40.75
8841 Truck, Fuel 2009 International 1,800 gal. storage tank 200 hour $32.46
8842 Mobile Command Trailer (8’ X 28’) with 7.5 KW Generator 0 Move to Location by Tractor hour $14.94
8843 Mobile Response Trailer (8’ X 31’) with 4.5 KW Generator? 0 Move to Location by Tractor hour $14.06
8844 Mobile Command Center (unified) (RV) Ulitimaster MP-35 43 FT Long with Generator 400 hour $87.31
8845 Mobile Command Post Vehicle (RV) (In- Motion) 22-Ft Long 340 hour $31.99
8846 Mobile Command Post Vehicle (RV) (Stationary) w/9.6 KW Generator 22-Ft Long 340 hour $20.61
8847 Mobile Command Center (Trailer) 48'x8' Trailer, Fully Equiped Mobile Command Center 48-Ft Long 0 Move to Location by Tractor hour $32.13
8848 Mobile Command Center (Trailer) 48'x8' When being Moved w/Truck Tractor 310 hour $51.40
8849 Mobile Command Center 43'x8.5' x 13.5'H with self 30kw Generator 280 Generator Rate not included hour $56.15
8850 Mobile Command Center 2007-Freightliner MT-55, (RV) 260 hour $47.78
8851 Mobile Command Van 1990- Ford Econoline- Communication Van 230 Communication Equipment hour $43.38
8852 Mobile Command Center 47.5' X 8.75 Fully Equip' (In motion) (RV) 410 hour $68.99
8853 Mobile Command Center 47.5' X 8.75 Fully Equip' (Stationary) 410 hour $46.53
8854 Mobile Command Vehicle 53' X 8.75 Fully Equip 480-550 hour $100.22
8870 Light Tower Terex/Amida AL 4000. with (4) 500 watt lights 10kw power unit 13.5 hour $10.56
8871 Light Tower 2004 Allmand 7.5 hour $6.67
8872 SandBagger Machine (Spider) automatic Vibration & Conveyor Motors 2-4.5 hour $50.11
8900 Helicopter OH-58 KIOWA (Military) is the same as “Bell-206B3 420 hour $538.00
8901 Helicopter OH-58 KIOWA (Military) is the same as “Bell-206BR 420 hour $495.85
8902 Helicopter Model Bell 206-L3 Jet Range Helicopter 650 Jet Range III-Helicopter hour $583.05
8903 Helicopter Model Bell 206L1 Long Ranger 650 Long Ranger hour $593.67
8904 Helicopter Model Bell 206LT Long Range Twinranger 450 Twinranger hour $773.99
8905 Helicopter Model Bell 407 EMS- Ambulance 630 hour $666.00
8906 Fixed wing Model Navajo PA-31 310 hour $450.00
8907 Fixed wing PA-31-350, Navajo Chieftn twin engine 350 hour $490.00
8908 Helicopter Model UH-60 (Blackhawk) medium lift Medium Lift 1890 Fire Fighter Same as S70C hour $3,016.09
8909 Helicopter Model UH-A (Blackhawk) Medium lift Medium Lift 1890 Fire Fighter hour $5,636.87
8910 Helicopter Model CH-47 (Chinook) heavy lift Heavy Lift 2850 Fire Fighter hour $11,009.51
8911 Helicopter- light utility Model Bell 407GX - 7 seater 7-Seaters 675 Passenger Aircraft hour $657.00
8912 Helicopter- light utility Modle Bell 206L- 7 seater 7-Seaters 420 Passenger Aircraft hour $616.43
8913 Helicopter Model Bell-206L4 726 hour $570.00
8914 Fixed wing Blackhawk King Air B200XP61 669 hour $1,608.00
8915 Fixed wing Blackhawk Caravan XP42 A 850 hour $864.00
8916 Fixed wing King Air C90 XP135 A 550 hour $1,416.00
8917 Aerostar Helicopter Aerostar 601P 290 hour $463.00
8918 Huey Helicopter Engine:1 × Lycoming T53-L-11 turboshaft 1100 Travel Range 253 Nautical Miles hour $1,396.01
8919 Helicopter Utility Bell 429 710 hour $920.00
8920 Helicopter Commercial Bell Huey II hour $1,107.00
8943 Wire Puller Machine Overhead Wire Pulling Machine 30 Overhead/Underground Wire Pulling Machine hour $20.44
8944 Wire Tensioning Machine 3000 Lbs Overhead Wire Tensioning Machine hour $15.05
8945 Aerial Lift model 2008 Genie Scissor Lift 1000 Lbs 24 Volt hour $6.53
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