Un sitio web .gov pertenece a una organización oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos.
Los sitios web seguros .gov usan HTTPS
Un candado o https:// significa que usted se conectó de forma segura a un sitio web .gov. Comparta información sensible sólo en sitios web oficiales y seguros.
FEMA will host a series of listening sessions about the designation and implementation of Community Disaster Resilience Zones. Three listening sessions are planned for July 18 - 20, 2023.
WASHINGTON -- FEMA announced the full application launch of the National Risk Index, a new online resource that provides a clear, visual guide to natural hazard risks throughout the United States, and information to help communities to understand and reduce those risks, whether they involve flooding, wildfire, extreme heat, or drought.
WASHINGTON -- FEMA announced the full application launch of the National Risk Index, a new online resource that provides a clear, visual guide to natural hazard risks throughout the United States, and information to help communities to understand and reduce those risks, whether they involve flooding, wildfire, extreme heat, or drought.
Governments can use different survey methods, such as online forms and socially distanced household visits, to assess constituent needs and better formulate outreach and response plans.