Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM)
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Durante la Semana del Clima en la Ciudad de New York, la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés) organizó la cumbre "Infraestructura resiliente al clima: Desarrollando un futuro más sostenible" con colaboradores públicos, privados y académicos para examinar y dialogar sobre los retos de la infraestructura resiliente y soluciones innovadoras para abordar los efectos del cambio climático.
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During Climate Week NYC, FEMA held the Climate Resilient Infrastructure: Building a More Sustainable Future Summit with public, private and academic partners to discuss and examine resilient infrastructure challenges and innovative solutions to address the impacts of climate change.
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Requirements information and timelines for the fiscal year (FY) 2024 Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) grant program.
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Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Senior Officials, Victoria Salinas and Janice Barlow, toured DC Water’s Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant to celebrate Disaster Resilience Month this August. The tour highlighted the innovative work the District of Columbia and DC Water are doing to reduce flood risk.
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A deadly tornado struck Joplin, Missouri one Sunday in May 2011 killing 161. The tornado destroyed or damaged many of the 14 schools in the Joplin School District where more than 7,000 students attend classes. At the time, there were no safe rooms for students to seek shelter in Joplin. In 2023, there are saferooms now. Since 2011, the Joplin School District has built 14 school safe rooms with federal assistance.
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