The Community Assistance Program – State Support Services Element (CAP- SSSE) program provides funding to states to provide technical assistance to communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and to evaluate community performance in implementing NFIP floodplain management activities.
CAP-SSSE aligns with and supports Presidential Policy Directive 8 - to Strengthen National Preparedness and Resilience. CAP- SSSE strives to leverage state knowledge and expertise to provide support to communities through activities that most effectively reduce flood losses.

Notices of Funding Opportunities
If you have any questions, contact your FEMA Regional Office or the FEMA Headquarters CAP-SSSE Coordinator.
Fundable CAP-SSSE Activities
- Assistance to Communities in Responding to Disasters
- Community Assistance Visits (CAVs) and Community Assistance Contacts (CACs)
- Community Information System (CIS) Entry
- Community Rating System (CRS) Support
- Coordination with Other Programs and Agencies
- Endangered Species Act (ESA) activities
- Enrollment of Communities
- Floodplain Management Regulation Assistance
- General Technical Assistance
- Mapping Coordination Assistance
- Outreach, Workshops and Other Training
- Planning
- Selection of Communities that Receive CACs, CAVs, Trainings, or other Technical Assistance
- State Model Regulation Updates and Monitoring of State Regulatory Environment