News and Media: Disaster 4676

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Press Releases & Fact Sheets


As recovery continues after the July floods in St. Clair County, FEMA wants to remind residents to file their flood insurance claim. Many residents may be unaware that they have flood insurance coverage through a Group Flood Insurance Policy (GFIP) provided when they received FEMA assistance after the federally declared disaster in 2022. Other area residents may have flood insurance coverage through a Standard Flood Insurance Policy, or another type of insurance.
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It’s been three months since President Biden signed the disaster declaration for the July 25-28 flooding in St. Clair County. Since then, more than $29 million in federal funds has been provided to disaster survivors to help them with their recovery.
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For homeowners and renters who sustained damage from the July 25-28 floods in St. Clair County, the deadline to apply for federal assistance has passed. In rare cases, though, you may be eligible to submit a late application to FEMA.
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If you applied for assistance from FEMA after sustaining damage from the July 25-28 floods, you would have received a letter from FEMA. In some cases, it may say you are ineligible for assistance, but that is not a denial. Applicants are given a reason for the ineligibility and told what they need to do to become eligible. Often, you just need to send more information.
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FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program (IHP) provides financial assistance to eligible individuals and households affected by a disaster who have uninsured or underinsured disaster-related expenses. FEMA cannot duplicate losses covered by insurance. If your insurance does not cover all your losses, or is delayed, you may be eligible for assistance for your unmet needs. FEMA IHP assistance is not a substitute for insurance and cannot pay for all losses caused by a disaster; it is intended to meet basic needs and supplement disaster recovery efforts.
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Illinois; FEMA-4676-DR

Report on Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) information for FEMA-4676-DR; Illinois as a result of a severe storm and flooding during the period of July 25-28, 2022.