News and Media: Disaster 4570

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Press Releases & Fact Sheets


Disasters such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and some human-caused events can create public emergencies here in Louisiana. Preparing for such events is the responsibility of everyone.

Preparation is the most important key to survival. It's crucial for individuals, families and entire communities to be ready to respond, no matter the situation. That is why it is so vital to put time into planning and preparation long before disaster strikes. Learning disaster emergency terms is one good way to prepare and to potentially save your life and the lives of your loved ones.

illustration of page of paper Fact Sheet
BATON ROUGE, La. – Survivors of Hurricanes Laura and Delta who are currently living in FEMA provided temporary housing units will start paying a monthly rent.
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At the request of the state, FEMA is currently providing about 1,946 households that are survivors of Hurricanes Laura and Delta with additional time to remain in agency-provided housing as they complete the final steps of their recovery. The original end for the program was scheduled for Feb.28.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |
FEMA is hiring Louisiana residents who live in Lake Charles to assist with disaster response and recovery efforts as temporary employees.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |

PDFs, Graphics & Multimedia

View the Disaster Multimedia Toolkit for social media and video content to help communicate about general disaster recovery.

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Final Public Notice FEMA-DR-4559/4570/4577

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Louisiana; FEMA-4570-DR

Report on Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) information for FEMA-4570-DR; Louisiana as a result of Hurricane Delta during the period of October 6-10, 2020.

A graphic of a road map explaining the direct temporary housing program for private sites from approval to move-in
Direct Temporary Housing (Private Sites) DR-4559 and DR-4570 Graphic