News and Media: Disaster 3572

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Press Releases & Fact Sheets


WASHINGTON -- A week after Ida’s landfall in Louisiana, FEMA has given more than $165 million in grants to Louisiana survivors to help them begin their recovery. FEMA also received more than 13,500 National Flood Insurance Program claims from the affected states for processing.
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WASHINGTON -- Federal agencies, nonprofits, the private sector and FEMA continue to increase response and recovery efforts six days after Ida made landfall in Louisiana.
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FEMA announced that federal emergency aid has been made available to the state of New York to supplement state, tribal and local response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from the remnants of Hurricane Ida, beginning Sept 1, 2021 and continuing. 
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As the remnants of Hurricane Ida have moved off shore, states from the Gulf Coast to New England are assessing the damage. The storm's flooding and tornadoes on Wednesday came days after causing widespread wind, storm surge and flooding in Louisiana and Mississippi. FEMA staff are working throughout the nation to support other ongoing hurricane and flood response efforts and wildfires in the West.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |

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