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State, Local, Tribal & Territorial Governments Seeking a Priority-Rating Authorization

When state, local, tribal and territorial (SLTT) governments need to prioritize contracts for food and industrial resources during emergencies, they must go through a specific process to get authorized.

Here's a guide to understanding and navigating this process.

Understanding Emergency Preparedness

Emergency preparedness involves activities designed to minimize the impact of disasters on the civilian population, such as:

  • Preparing for anticipated hazards with appropriate plans and supplies.
  • Responding to emergencies by managing evacuations and controlling panic.
  • Recovering from hazards by conducting emergency repairs and restoring vital services.

How to Request Priority Rating Authorization

 Local crews clear streets that are piled with sand due to the impacts of Hurricane Sandy.
  • Prepare Your Request: SLTT governments begin by filling out a rating authorization request form, detailing how the contract supports emergency preparedness.
  • Submit Your Request: 
    • Local governments send this form to their state Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) for endorsement.
  • FEMA Review: If the request meets all requirements, the Regional FPAS Officer forwards it for final endorsements and approval to the DHS Lead FPAS Officer in FEMA’s Office of Policy and Program Analysis (OPPA).

Placing Priority Rated Contracts

Contract Requirements

Every priority rated order must include a:

  • Specific priority rating
  • Clear delivery date
  • Contracting officer’s signature
  • Mandatory statement regarding adherence to the relevant regulations

Contract Management

SLTT government contracting officials must ensure compliance with the Federal Priorities and Allocations System (FPAS) regulations, consulting their FEMA Region FPAS Officer for assistance as needed.

Key Regulations to Follow

  • Contractor Acceptance and Rejection: Contractors must accept all compliant rated orders and manage scheduling to meet delivery dates, notifying customers of any potential delays.
  • Preferential Scheduling: Rated orders must be prioritized over unrated orders to meet deadlines.
  • Extension of Priority Ratings: Contractors must extend the priority rating through the entire supply chain to ensure timely completion of the rated order.
Magnifying glass over a bar chart

Full Guidance

For details, definitions and examples of placing a priority-rated contract request, view the full guidance.

More Information

For any assistance or additional information during the process, SLTT officials should contact the FEMA DPA Program Office at